Posts Tagged ‘mint’

LHS Episode #081: Chicken Licker Bumpy Bumpy

Welcome to the latest installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. It’s almost time for Hamvention 2012! We hope that we’ll be able to see our listeners and friends at the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio from May 18th through the 20th. With your donations, the thermometer at left has almost exploded. If you can spare a dollar or two, we’ll be at our goal in no time.

In this episode, our trusty [sic] hosts talk with an Ambassdor. Richard’s interview with Ronny is so good it would make Anderson Cooper–well, throw up probably. They also discuss Linux topics like Mint-based distributions and irssi, an IRC chat client, as well as ham radio topics from HSMM to Winlink to contest loggers. The guys respond to a bunch of listener feedback and talk about some new features of the show.

A quick heads up: The interview audio is a little rough with some weird background anomaly. It won’t drive you mad, just make you wonder what was going on on Ronny’s side of the line. We suspect dinner and a seance.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #080


  • Tornado season has begun in Texas! Check out the videos at


  • The donations for the LHS to Dayton Hamvention fund have stalled. If you’d like to see LHS return to the Hamvention this year, please make a donation in the next week or two. All donations will go toward the cost of the booth in the vendor exhibition hall. If we fail to raise enough to attend, then the funds will go toward the expenses of producing LHS.


  • Richard’s Linux Adventures
    • Thank You Kubuntu, for once again obliterating Richard’s boot sectors.
    • Russ suggests using dd to perform what is essentially a low-level format of the drive. For example,
      dd bs=1m if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

      NOTE: This will totally erase your hard drive! Use caution!

    • Matthew, KC8BEW, in the chat room, suggests using Spinrite to repair a hard drive.
    • Richard declares that Debian is the Jesus Christ of Linux distributions, as it raised his hard drive from the dead, at least temporarily. It was the only distro he found that managed to install grub on the drive.
    • Richard also declares that Linux Mint sucks… at least for him. Audacity caused 100% CPU usage, spell check didn’t work, and it crashes.
    • Also discussed: CentOS, Scientific Linux, Fedora, PCLinuxOS, Xubuntu, lubuntu.
  • Richard is writing an ebook on the National Traffic System.
  • Russ again suggests Richard try Debian, but Richard says it won’t let him install Firefox. Maybe there’s a hardware issue? (Perhaps memtest might find a memory error? -Ed.)


  • We received several donations from visitors to the Dalton Hamfest and the KARC Hamfest. Thank you to our ambassador Ronny (K4RJJ) and to everyone who stopped by our booth at those events.
  • Russ hoped to interview Roy, KK4ATD, our ambassador to the RARSfest last week. Apparently, the LHS booth was a great success.
  • If you’d like to be an ambassador for LHS at an event, email us at [email protected] and visit the Ambassadors link on the web site.


  • Fab, co-host of Linux Outlaws, left a couple comments on the website expressing his gratitude for being on the show.
  • Bob (W9YA) offers Russ some suggestions for entering the contact exchange information in YFKtest.
  • LinuxCanuck left a comment saying he enjoyed the episode with Fab, asks for help getting the feed links on the web site to work, and offers some thoughts about Kubuntu.
  • Roy, KK4ATD, the LHS ambassador to RARSFest, calls in to the show and describes the event. He’s also building a repository of ham radio packages for CentOS, called Hamux.

Contact Info:

LHS Episode #080: Fitch Best

Ever had something you wanted to get off your chest? Richard did on this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. Somewhere along the line, Russ got sucked in as well and suddenly it was all about stuff the hosts didn’t like. There’s plenty of comic relief in the middle, though, and there is a happy ending when one of the show’s ambassadors calls in to talk about his adventure at a recent hamfest. All in all, a fun ride down Birch Street–uh, you know what we mean.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #079


  • An absolutely FABulous episode, in which we interview Fab Scherschel from the Linux Outlaws podcast. Fab’s de-facto father-in-law is DC5JM!


  • Ronny, K4RJJ, attended the KARC Hamfest over the weekend as the LHS Ambassador. Details, photos and video will be on the web site very soon. Thanks, again, Ronny!
  • Roy, KK4ATD, will be our ambassador at the RARSfest in Raleigh, NC on April 7th. Thanks, Roy!
  • The LHS Web site now has a ‘Chat’ link which gives you the ability to join the #lhspodcast IRC channel without having a client, straight from the LHS web site.
  • LHS hopes to attend the 2012 Dayton Hamvention. Please donate to the cause to help make that happen!
  • A recent iOS update broke the Black Sparrow Media app for iPhones, but that will get fixed, soon. Look for new podcasts in the future. Visit if you’d like to add your podcast to the Black Sparrow Media network.


  • Russ and Richard interview Fabian “Fab” Scherschel, co-host of the Linux Outlaws podcast.
  • Fab transitioned from Windows to Ubuntu in 2007. The biggest issue was games, but he bought a PlayStation 3 to satisfy that requirement. Minecraft runs well on Linux.
  • Fab’s primary motivation for Linux Outlaws was to practice his English.
  • Our hosts then discuss Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Canonical and Debian.
  • We then talk about software patents from a UK and German perspective.
  • Fab is switching his servers from CentOS to Debian, primarily because there is no upgrade from one major release of CentOS to another. He also likes to try different distributions so as to maintain impartiality.
  • Fab asks how Linux in the Ham Shack began.
  • You can contact Fab via Google Plus.


  • LinuxCanuck asks for help accessing links and RSS feeds from the website. Everything seems to be working on this end.
  • Phil, AK4RQ, recommends the book ‘The C Programming Language’ by Kernighan and Ritchie, originally published by Prentice Hall in 1978. Thanks, Phil.

Contact Info:


  • “Vertigo” by Obsidian Shell from their album Evershade, courtesy of Jamendo.
  • “Faces Nameless” by Reform the Resistance from their album And It Begins… courtesy of Jamendo.

Show Notes #078


  • Richard says life has been good, lately, except for Linux Mint, but we’ll get into that in a moment. Announcements and feedback are at the end of the show.


  • Linux Mint Sux!!! (At least, for Richard.)
    • Richard’s never-ending quest for a Linux distro that works for him. In the past few days, he’s tried various Debian-based distributions:
      • Linux Mint 12, with Gnome 3, MATE, and Cinnamon, but he didn’t like any of them. Too few configuration options for the desktop and gtkpod didn’t work, and that was a deal-breaker.
      • Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE): one of the CPU cores wasn’t running; fixed that, installed software and updates, but gtkpod didn’t work there, either.
      • Crunchbang Linux: too minimalist and too much configuration.
      • XFCE on LMDE was close. Richard replaced the Thunar file manager with Nautilus.
      • Xubuntu which is Ubuntu with XFCE. It looked good, was configurable, but lacked a few features.
      • Kubuntu, which is Ubuntu with KDE. He tried installing it from the live CD, which took 25 minutes to complete. After the reboot, it generated all sorts of hard drive errors. While it’s possible that the hard drive did fail, but Richard blames Kubuntu for causing the problem.
  • Russ discusses OpenMediaVault, an open network attached storage solution.
    • It’s an alternative to FreeNAS.
    • Debian-based with a simple install process, while FreeNAS is based on FreeBSD.
    • Supports many features of FreeNAS, including CIFS/Samba, NFS, FTP, SSH, BitTorrent (via plugin), TFTP, and DAAP (via plugin).
    • Russ tried it in a virtual machine, and it installed easily. Once installed, all configuration occurs through the web browser.
    • While it’s perhaps not as mature as FreeNAS, it’s also a newer project, so it’s likely to improve. At the moment, Russ prefers FreeNAS, especially v0.7, but OpenMediaVault may very well catch up and surpass FreeNAS.
  • Linux Contesting Software revisited. We covered a few in Episode 70, and here are a couple more.
    • Bill, W9YA, one of the maintainers of YFKtest, contacted Richard to inform him that YFKtest has had a major facelift, as well as adding a few features and fixing some bugs. It’s available as v 0.0.10 from the subversion repository. Russ downloaded the compiled version. He picked a contest, filename for the log, entered his call sign, mode, and some other information, but he had trouble entering a contact.
    • Minos Contest Logging Software is a contest logging suite for VHF and UHF Amateur Radio Contests. The current version is 1.5.4, and is available as a download or via the Subversion repository. It’s a Windows application, and there are directions on the Web site for running the application using WINE. If only they’d simply re-release with Linux-native code. Russ tried it and it does run quite well under WINE. It’s an open source project under the BSD license.
  • Allstar Link Node Update: Russ now has an Allstar Link node number assigned, 28357. Allstar Link offers several packages: Limey Linux, ACID CentOS or Pickle Linux (for the BeagleBoard). Russ has been trying to get the ACiD version running on his LMDE machine so he can use it with his existing Asterisk installation. Meanwhile, Russ has his Echolink station working, node 54711.


  • We received a voice comment from Ed, KB4VWA, who’s having trouble with some MFJ TNCs he recently bought at the Dalton, GA hamfest. Richard responds, though he’s had the least experience with MFJ TNCs. There are several possibilities: wrong on-air baud rate, bad connection, wrong dip switch settings, or poor or filtered audio into the TNC. Try using the jack on the back of the radio for the audio. Maybe the radio is not exactly on frequency?


  • The OGG and MP3 feeds for the LHS Music and LHS Up All Night audio streams from the LHS web site have new links, so check your settings. The live streaming feed is mp3, so it works everywhere.
  • The wAVEgUIDES podcast joins the Black Sparrow Media network! Visit if you’d like to add your podcast to the Black Sparrow Media network.
  • Episode renumbering: Ever since naming episodes 18a and 19a, it’s been bugging Russ, so they were renumbered to eliminate the letter suffixes.
  • LHS hopes to attend the 2012 Dayton Hamvention in May. Please donate to the cause to help make that happen!

Contact Info:


  • “Requiem For A Fish” by The Freak Fandango Orchestra from their album Tales Of A Dead Fish, courtesy of Jamendo.
  • “Boats (Swept Away)” by I Am Not Left Handed, from their album Time To Leave, courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #078: Kubuntu is Bloodthirsty

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, our intrepid hosts put aside idle banter, childish meandering and silly stories in favor of true content, both ham radio and Linux related. All right, that doesn’t happen even a little bit. Instead, Richard has a lot of fun telling you all the trouble he has with Linux Mint Debian Edition, all the while mentioning a bunch of other operating systems he’s tried recently including Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Crunchbang among others–letting you know what’s wrong with all of them.

Then there’s some discussion of svxlink, an Echolink client and server application for native Linux environments, Allstar Link, Open Media Vault, contest loggers and a whole bunch of other stuff besides. Ahh, perhaps there is some content here after all. Hope everyone enjoys this episode and can perhaps contribute a dollar or two towards the Hamvention fund. It’s coming up soon and we hope to see you all there.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #077


  • We’re recording live, with music played as we record. Our guest tonight is Harrison, VE2HKW, from the MintCast podcast.


  • The Dalton Hamfest will be in Dalton, Georgia on February 25, 2012. The LHS Ambassador is Ronny, K4RJJ. This has probably come and gone by the time you hear this.
  • The KARC Hamfest will be held in Marietta, Georgia, March 17, 2012. Our LHS Ambassador is again Ronny, K4RJJ. Thanks, Ronny!
  • The Northeast Linux Fest will be in Worcester, Massachusetts on March 17, 2012. We’re still looking for an LHS ambassador for this event. Contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to help.
  • Some of you may have noticed that the LHS web site has been down occasionally. For some reason, the server locks up. We can’t tell if it’s a denial of service attack, or an improper configuration, but we’re working on it.
  • Paul, KE5WMA, in the chat room, reminds us of the Acadiana Hamfest on March 9, 2012, near Lafayette, LA., and the New Orleans Hamfest on March 24, 2012.
  • Happy Mardi Gras!


  • Linux Utilities – Russ introduces us to some GNU/Linux utilities that provide information about your Linux system’s performance.
    • top shows a list of the processes running in descending order of resource consumption.
    • iftop allows you to monitor connections to your machine and the bandwidth used by each.
    • ifstat reports the amount of data passing through the interfaces every second, or other interval. For example, ifstat -i eth0 10 1 would report how much data moved through the first ethernet port in 10 seconds, and only do this once. Handy for capturing such information in a script program.
    • iotop shows what processes are the top disk I/O users.
    • All of these are command line utilities. Press Q to exit. Check the man pages for other keystrokes that can be used while the utilities run.
  • Interview with Harrison, VE2HKW
    • Harrison, VE2HKW, is a recent ham radio licensee and describes his introduction to the hobby, what he likes and doesn’t like, and provides an overview of the Canadian amateur radio licensing structure.
    • Harrison is also a member of the Covey Hill Amateur Radio Club (CHARC).
    • Check out Harrison’s blog and pictures of his ham shack.
    • Tune in to the MintCast podcast on Monday nights, 8:00pm eastern time, 01:00 UTC. Join the chat at, #mintcast
    • You can contact Harrison by email at [email protected] or [email protected].


  • We received donations from Steve S., Paul G., and Bill H. Thank you! These donations will be added to the Dayton Hamvention fund to cover the costs of LHS’ presence at the 2012 Dayton Hamvention in Dayton, OH, May 18-20, 2012.
  • LHS had several mentions on Twitter by Neptune78.
  • Serge, ON4AA, asks about using the LHS logo to publicize the show. Russ explains that the LHS logo is not Creative Commons licensed, so please ask for permission to use it.
  • Larry Bushey of the Going Linux podcast responds to recent comments we made about their show. It’s a love fest!
  • Leif, KC8RWR, continues an ongoing comment dialog.

Contact Info:


  • “Rainbow Over The Bayou” by Regis V. Gronoff, from the album Hummingbird & Honeybee, courtesy of Jamendo
  • “Twist and Shout” by Swamp Daddy, from the album Swamp Daddy, also courtesy of Jamendo.

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