Posts Tagged ‘MP3 Feed’
LHS Episode #042: 1.21 Gigahertz Badgers
Yes, we’re running behind AGAIN. It’s the story of Linux in the Ham Shack lately. Because of that, this episode turned into an expose on our backlog of feedback. As it turns out, feedback is a good thing. We were able to address several questions and comments from listeners to the show. Hopefully the information we give out as answers to questions will also answer the questions and fulfill the needs of other listeners who are hoping someone will ask their questions for them. We’d like to encourage everyone to send in feedback and we will address it as soon as we’re able. You can send an e-mail to the show, call our hotline at +1-888-455-0305 or +1-417-200-4811, or leave us a comment on the Web site. We encourage all our listeners to tell us what you like, tell us what you don’t like, tell KA9WKA he’s awesome, ask a question, or just tell us whatever’s on your mind. Also, if you happen to have a few extra dollars kicking around, send us a donation to help with our expenses. Keep Linux in the Ham Shack moving into the future and we’ll give you proper recognition! And if you buy some of our cool swag, you’ll also be helping out the show. Thanks so much for being a part of our world. We love you. It’s a big ol’ love fest.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #041: Deep Thoughts
If life would stop conspiring to halt production of Linux in the Ham Shack, everything would be just fine. Instead, because of problems in both our lives, the Dayton Hamvention and the Southeast Linux Fest, everything has been pushed back so far we feel like we’re going back in time.
Richard was unable to record for Episode #039, but luckily I was able to find a worthy surrogate for this particular show. Chris and Bryan over at The Linux Action Show had prior obligations and didn’t respond quick enough, respectively, but we hope to have them on a future episode. However, ClaudioM decided he didn’t have anything better to do and was able to swing by and offer his thoughts on a couple of intriquing concepts suggested by visitors to the Dayton Hamvention: 1) How do we promote Linux and Open Source and should it be promoted, and 2) Why does the perception that Linux is harder to use than Windows persist?
I found this to be a rather insightful episode and I hope you do as well. Thank you to everyone who visited Linux in the Ham Shack in Dayton and in Spartanburg, and please enjoy this latest installment of the program.
73 de The LHS Guys (and ClaudioM)
LHS Episode #040: HF in the Mobile Shack
It’s a couple of days since the end of the 2010 Dayton Hamvention. Cheryl and I would like to send out a special thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth while we were there. We met a lot of interesting folks and had a great many thought provoking conversations. It was our first time so we didn’t know we’d be out in the sticks, so to speak, but we still had a lot of traffic and a lot of fun.
Now that I’m home and most of the work that piled up on me while I was away has been tackled, I got the podcast we recorded before the event finished and here it is. There’s no Dayton content this time around. That will come next time. The drawing for the Alinco radio and the other Linux in the Ham Shack swag will happen on Friday and we’ll announce all the winners in the next show and on the Web site so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, enjoy some interesting feedback from listeners and some insight into Richard’s latest mobile rig install. Keep the feedback coming, visit our Printfection and Cafe Press stores and pick up an item or two, and get ready for next year in Dayton. Linux in the Ham Shack will be back.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #039: Best. Episode. Ever.
Lately it seems like if there were an extra day in the week it still wouldn’t be enough to get everything done. That being said, Episode #037 is here and it’s even released on time. We’d like to especially thank Dan and Gary for leaving us audio comments via our call-in numbers. If you’d like to participate by leaving us audio feedback, the number to call can be found at the top of the left column of this site. We really do like to “hear” from our listeners.
This has also already been announced, but I’d like to promote our merchandise shops once again. If you’d like T-shirts, tote bags and lots of drinkware items with the cool new Linux in the Ham Shack logo on them, take a trip over to and pick up an item or two. You’ll be helping us out with a small donation and advertising the show to your friends, family and colleagues. If caps or wall clocks are your thing, has exactly what you need. They make great gifts, too. And every purchase helps Linux in the Ham Shack out with our hosting expenses.
Hopefully we’ll see a lot of our listeners at the Dayton Hamvention this month, and hopefully we’ll have many more faithful followers by the end of the event. Thanks as always for downloading the show, and make sure to leave us a comment. Don’t be a stranger.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #038: XDX ‘n Stuff
The season of Linux fests is now under way. The Texas Linux Fest took place a couple of weeks ago. By all accounts, the turnout was excellent, the educational opportunities were plentiful and fun was had by all.
Oggcamp in the UK is next on the list. Then there will be ham fests and Linux fests all over the country and the rest of the world for the rest of the spring, summer and early fall. Linux in the Ham Shack will be represented at the Dayton Hamvention in May and at the Southeast Linux Fest in June. I’m also trying to start a new Linux fest called the Mid-America Linux Fest which will be held in early November. It’s possible that could be November of 2010, but it’s more likely to be November 2011. If you want more information about the Mid-America Linux Fest or are willing to volunteer your time or services, please check out the Web site at
And yes, I know this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack is late. Life has been very busy of late and I think all of our listeners for your eternal patience. We hope to see you at the live recording of Episode #037 on April 27th at 8:00pm.
LHS Episode #037: Riders on the Storm
There are good things coming up in the world of GNOME and Linux in the Ham Shack has some of the scoop. In this episode we had the good fortune to interview Stormy Peters, the executive director over at the GNOME Foundation. We’d love to tell you all the stuff she told us, but that’s what downloading the episode is all about. We wouldn’t want to spoil any surprises.
We are currently in migration from Hostican to our new hosting, which includes a mix of BlueCows Technical Services and GoDaddy. During this process, some of the Web site features may come and go, but rest assured everything will be back online eventually. I believe most everything is working now except for the OGG feed and I am working on that. It is very important that everyone switch over to the new RSS feeds in your podcatcher of choice. We wouldn’t want you to miss a single episode. Click or hover over the RSS Feed links on the left-hand side of the main Web page for the correct new URLs. And remember, our new e-mail address is info at lhspodcast dot info. That will go to both of us.
Don’t forget about the current contests. Don’t forget to show up at the Texas Linux Fest in April, the Southeast Linux Fest in June and the Ohio Linux Fest in September. Don’t forget to tell 200 of your closest friends about the podcast. Don’t forget to donate to the noise gate fund. And don’t forget to have fun listening to the show!
The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #036: Are We There Yet?
We’ve managed to cobble together another round table discussion for Episode #034 of Linux in the HAM Shack. Thanks to Lord Drachenblut of Ten Buck Review and our party crasher, Jonathan, KB1KIX, for helping us out with this episode.
The format is a little bit different this time based on some feedback from listeners. If you like what you hear or would rather have us go back to the way things were, let us know. We’re interested in what you think. Our topic tonight is a thought provoking e-mail that we received before last episode from Jim, N2ENN. Hopefully we’ve given it an honest appraisal.
Please send us your feedback, your questions and your donations to obtain a noise gate for Richard. Also, enter our two contests for a chance to win real money! And stay tuned for our next recording. We have a very special guest interview coming up. You won’t want to miss it.
73 from the LHS Guys