Posts Tagged ‘MP3 Feed’

LHS Episode #025: APRS and Xastir

aprsRichard and I have been busy over the last couple of weeks. He spent a day at the Belton Hamfest near Waco, Texas on October 3rd. The weekend before that, I spent a few days in Columbus, Ohio at Ohio Linux Fest. This is our first episode back from those events. I have a few hours of audio I need to sift through, but I managed to get a couple of clips from my interviews and commentary from OLF included in the second segment of this episode of the podcast. Because I had a visit from my parents and my brother and sister-in-law from New Hampshire, I haven’t been able to get the podcast out in a timely manner. I suppose after 25 releases, I should probably stop apologizing for being late but I do like it when we release on time. Anyway, enjoy our interviews and Richard’s discourse on APRS and Xastir, and stay tuned for a lot of great audio from our live endeavors coming up in future episodes. Thanks for downloading, and have a great couple of weeks.

LHS Episode #024: Darth Hideous

In this latest installment of Linux in the HAM Shack, we air the second half of our interview with Bill, KA9WKA, from Episode #022. While the first part of the interview focused on Linux Mint and EeePC netbooks, this part is mostly about amateur radio, answering questions from the chat room and generally having a good time. In fact, it’s like a good old fashioned ragchew.

Not ones to leave out actual content and learning, we address questions from listener feedback, and Richard talks about using rig control software under WINE for Icom, Yaesu and Kenwood radios. And of course there are other topics thrown into the mix as well. Thank you to all of our listeners, old and new, for downloading this latest episode. Please tell all your friends about us and send us feedback, whether by e-mail, forum or voice mail. Hope to see everyone in Belton, TX on October 3rd or in Columbus, OH from September 25-27.

And may the force be with you.

LHS Episode #023: Teen Radio Journey

yaesu_ft-7800rWelcome to Episode #021 of Linux in the HAM Shack. As always, feedback for the program has been abundant and entertaining. We address several listener questions and comments. We also have new features on the web site. Please check them out after listening to the show. Russ will be at the Ohio Linux Fest and Richard and Jerry from The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast will be in Denton at a hamfest there. Check out the podcast for more information on times and locations.

For the main segment of our program we talk with Paul Shirey of Teen Radio Journey, a podcast chronicling the pursuits of a young man from Illinois on a quest to get his ham radio license. It was a lot of fun to talk with Paul and we’re glad to have him on the show. As always, send us feedback on the program and leave us voice comments at (888) 455-0305. And if you have a few extra dollars kicking around and you find the podcast useful, why not make a charitable donation to the program? All funds go directly toward improving our show. Thanks for listening!

LHS Episode #022: Ohio Linux Fest

olf400x300In this episode we tackle user questions and comments and then talk with Beth Lynn Eicher of the Ohio Linux Fest. Linux in the HAM Shack will be there. Will you? Hope to see everyone who can make it to Columbus from Friday, September 25 through Sunday, September 27.

LHS Episode #021: OSCON 2009 Update 2

osconHere is the second and final installment of the special OSCON update for Linux in the HAM Shack. In this episode I examine the second half of my trip to San Jose, California, and the O’Reilly Open Source Convention. I talk about sessions I attended dealing with subjects as diverse as patents and legal issues, processor speed, cloud computing, users as Open Source advocates and, yes, evening programming in Klingon. I also take a trip through The Tech Museum of Innovation, an institution run entirely using Open Source. So sit back and enjoy this special report from OSCON and as always, thanks for being a loyal listener to the program.

Don’t forget to leave us voice feedback or questions. We’d love to put you on the air. And we know how ham radio operators often have the gift for gab. So let it out. Don’t be shy. Linux in the HAM shack wants YOU.

73 de Russ, K5TUX

LHS Episode #020

Linux MintLinux in the HAM Shack #020 has arrived. This one ran a little bit long so it’s been cut into two parts. The second part will wind up being the first half of Episode #022. For this show, we brought in a friend of the show to help us with a discussion of Linux Mint and several amateur radio topics. Thanks to Bill, KA9WKA, for sitting in with us. The amateur radio portion of the discussion is being pushed over to the next show, so be on the lookout for that in a couple of weeks. This time we answer feedback, talk with the live participants in the chatroom and give all the ins and outs of Linux Mint on various platforms, from laptops to desktops to netbooks.

Thanks to all of our listeners for downloading the podcast and sending us your comments and other feedback. We hope it’s as much fun for you as it is for us. And remember, leave us an audio comment at +1-888-455-0305 and we’ll get you on the podcast. And if you want to participate as KA9WKA did, let us know and we’ll set you up.

73 de Russ and Richard

LHS Episode #019: OSCON 2009 Update 1

Hey, eosconveryone. I’m spending the week in San Jose, California at the O’Reilly OSCON conference. Since OSCON is an Open Source convention and has a lot of information about Linux and Open Source, I thought I would bring our listeners a couple of updates from the con. We’ll call these supplemental episodes of Linux in the HAM Shack. The second one will be along in a couple of days. Hopefully this will provide a little insight into the conference experience, and I’m going to share as much useful information as I pick up with our listeners. Thanks for downloading, and look for our next live podcast on Tuesday, 7/28 at 8:00pm CDT.

73 de Russ, K5TUX

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