Posts Tagged ‘MP3 Feed’
LHS Episode #100: The Centennial
Hello, everyone. This is the 100th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. Some may have doubted that we would ever get this far. Some may be delighted. Some may be dismayed. Whatever feelings you may have on the matter, we have arrived. Please be advised that there is little in the way of Linux and/or Ham Radio content in this episode. It’s a bit more of a gab fest. That being said, we did have a couple of listeners on with us as guests, and everyone who joined us for the live event had a great time. The recording of this episode also coincided with Richard’s birthday, so if you haven’t already, feel free to wish him a happy belated birthday. Also in this episode is THE BIG BOMBSHELL. Word may have leaked out, but to some it will still be a surprise. Please take a moment to reminisce with us about our last 100 episodes, and we can’t wait to see what the next 100 will bring.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #099: Thorpe Your Octo
We are one episode away from the century mark. It’s with a great deal of pride that we, the hosts of Linux in the Ham Shack, present to you our 99tieth episode. We would love to have some audio feedback from as many of our listeners as we can get that we can air on our 100th Episode Extravaganza. If you have the time and inclination, please submit a sound bite telling us how much you love the show, or hate it, or whether a weasel stole your chickens. It doesn’t matter; we just want to hear from you! In the meantime, since Russ actually sat down and did some research for the episode, please take a listen and try to glean from it whatever nuggets of wisdom you might find. We’re not saying they’re in there, but the journey to discovery has been fun so far.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #098: Feudal Exercise
Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t. Luckily, Richard’s miraculous recovery from the Creeping Death outweighed Russ’s totally miserable Ides of January, resulting in a listenable episode with a bunch of content–mostly thanks to elcaset, a listener of the show, via IRC. There’s also a bit about svxlink using a Raspberry Pi (yes, it is possible and completely functional) and lots of information about upcoming events. We’d like to thank everyone you who submitted feedback, including The Radio Gangsta, who we also hope will get some much-needed psychological attention soon.
If you think about it, make sure to download the Black Sparrow Media app for your iPhone, iPad or Android device. And please tell your friends about the show. Have them sign up for the mailing list, episodes via RSS, the Google+ community and all the other ways they can keep up with what’s going on in LHS Land.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #097: Sheer Hamshackedness
Welcome once again to the Wonderful World of Linux in the Ham Shack. As indicated in the title, this episode is full of Sheer Hamshackedness. If you’re unsure what that is, we encourage you to pour yourself a nice glass of dark beer or a 100-proof spirit of your choice, put on your headphones and immerse yourself in the pure hedonism that is LHS. And if you believe any of that, we have a large vehicular conveyance over the East River in New York City up for sale as well. Anyway, we talk a little bit about Raspberry Pi computing, APRS, WSPR, Echolink, svxlink, Qtel and a bunch of other stuff in this episode. Hope you enjoy, as always.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #096: Worst. Episode. Ever.
Sometimes an episode comes along that defies description. This is one of those times. Richard was exhausted from his job. Russ was exhausted from life in general. Topics were a bit thin. Both hosts found their way into the sauce for the evening. Everything conspired to make Episode #096 one of the worst on record. We’re writing this summary in the hopes that you’ll look at it, ask yourself, “How bad can it be?” and listen anyway. Despite the less than ideal circumstances, the content is still relevant, informative and even fun. Hm. Maybe this isn’t the worst episode after all. You be the judge.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #095: I Has the Dumb
Richard called this one of our best efforts to date, which means there must be some kind of worthwhile contained buried in all the tomfoolery somewhere. If you can find it, you’ll be that much wiser for whatever it is we discussed. Silliness aside, we discuss some proposed FCC rule changes for the amateur radio community, the difference between hard and soft (symbolic) linking for our Linux segment, and answer questions and receive praise from several members of our audience. On the whole it turned out to be a pretty good episode, and we sure had a lot of fun doing it. Thanks to all our listeners for your support and for keeping us motivated to bring you ever more episodes of Linux in the Ham Shack.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #094: Arsenic and Old Pi
The latest episode of LHS is upon you! Prepare to be astounded, mesmerized, blown away and flabbergasted. If none of that happens, perhaps you’ll be entertained and informed. In a music-less episode, we somehow manage to get through without stumbling–more or less. Our foray begins in the world of Linux and computing with some tips on how to make your desktop and your blog look better, at only the cost of your immortal soul. In the middle we touch on Hurricane Sandy and emcomm and follow that up with some Echolink: native on Linux Echolink, yeah! Feedback winds up the episode and then we go back to our respective holes in the wall. Send us feedback, if you get a chance. We’d like to hear from you.
73 de The LHS Guys