Posts Tagged ‘Off topic’

One stop daily Amatuer radio news update!

While surfing the net last week I came across two great sites if you want Amateur radio news at a glance with the opportunity to look into each story more in-depth via a link. In the past I have visited Southgate, Eham and ARRL for up to date ham radio news. These websites bring bring it  all together in one easy to navigate site. They are updated daily to keep you informed on what’s going on in the radio world. Check them out a lot of work and time goes into each  and in my humble opinion it’s a nice jumping place to keep up to date. The first info site is called Ham Radio update, it's updated daily and you are greeted with a headline some brief info. If the news item interests you then you can click on the link and read further.  Ham radio new is easy to navigate and you can be brought up to speed on Amateur radio news quickly. The other site is called Ham Radio Daily, this site is more in depth with not only news item but YouTube, DX Cluster, Top HF spots and propagation just to mention a few.   Here are the links and let me know what you think............Ham Radio Update and 

One stop daily Amatuer radio news update!

While surfing the net last week I came across two great sites if you want Amateur radio news at a glance with the opportunity to look into each story more in-depth via a link. In the past I have visited Southgate, Eham and ARRL for up to date ham radio news. These websites bring bring it  all together in one easy to navigate site. They are updated daily to keep you informed on what’s going on in the radio world. Check them out a lot of work and time goes into each  and in my humble opinion it’s a nice jumping place to keep up to date. The first info site is called Ham Radio update, it's updated daily and you are greeted with a headline some brief info. If the news item interests you then you can click on the link and read further.  Ham radio new is easy to navigate and you can be brought up to speed on Amateur radio news quickly. The other site is called Ham Radio Daily, this site is more in depth with not only news item but YouTube, DX Cluster, Top HF spots and propagation just to mention a few.   Here are the links and let me know what you think............Ham Radio Update and 

UTC time on the desktop

My new UTC clock on the PC desktop
I have Friday off today and got my running around out of the way this morning, so I decided to flip the radio switch and see what was happening. I was going from band to band around 1600 UTC and there was just stations here and there most U.S stations. Then at 1700 UTC I was listening on 20m and on the Elecraft P3 the lower end of 20m came alive! From only hearing U.S stations to hearing LOTS of  European stations and at first I could not tell if it was a contest or not but it had to be.  I went to WA7BNM contest site and looked things over to see what contest it was while at the same time listening to the contest to see what the exchange was. To be honest I did not have to much luck with either, I really could not make out the exchanges and the web site was not really clear what contest this could had been. As I was attempting to ferret out the contest an old issue came back to me....UTC time! I have an app on my Iphone that gives local and UTC time but more often than not the Iphone is not close by when I need to reference UTC time. The same issue comes up when logging a contact on paper temporally until logging it on the PC. I was going to purchase the MFJ 108B dual LED clock but it was good I held off. It occurred to me to get online and search for something that was a free download on the internet!! I found a neat little program that sits on your desktop. You can resize it, move it around, when you restart your PC it comes alive in the last place it was left when you turned your PC off and best of all it's free!  Have a look at it and see what you think and by all means if you are using another program let me know what it is and I will check it out.

Supermoon photos

 Julie and I were out this evening taking pictures of the Supermoon. These were taken over Lake Ontario with Toronto peeking through the center photo. The camera was the Nikon D800 and the lenses were the 70-200mm with a 2.0 tele converter and 24-70mm lens. Not really a ham radio post but a great way to spend an August evening.

Time for some shack cleaning and putting items up for sale.

As I am doing my operating from the condo there are a number if items in the shack that have just been gather dust. My feeling is if Im not using it someone else can! So the following items are up for sale…….
1. Balun designs balun model 1110cu it's called a QRP balun but is rated at 300 watts. It's a 1:1 isolation balun I did use them at my old place to make sure not unwanted RF was radiating from the coax. Since I only have one antenna now I no long require one.
The price is 25.00 including shipping within North America.

2. Elecraft N-Gen this is a kit that I put together myself and works great. It is very good for many RF and IF alignment tasks. The price including shipping is 50.00.

3. LDG AT200pro antenna tuner I am no longer in need of a tuner as my K3 and KX3 all have on board ATU's this unit works and looks great. Price is 150.00 shipping included.

4 Hendricks 41dB step attenuator, I put this unit together myself and works great. Price is 50.00 including shipping.

The selling of these items will both clean up the shack and give me some ham bucks to clutter things up again!

There is a good idea out there…….

Trying to find my way around
Each morning I catch up on my blog reading and on a few blogs that I read LED lighting seemed to be the order of the day for illuminating the shack. I have been up early the last few mornings to see what is on the air waves. I did not find much and decided to work on my contest code I use Morse Runner, this is a good program that adds a very nice contest atmosphere to the operator. A problem became very apparent as I was using the program and it had nothing to do with the program. My keyboard skills were rusty and the lighting in the morning  here at VE3WDM is very dim so cheating and trying to see the keyboard proved to be very frustrating. I really have no problem with the letters or the numbers but it was the F keys I was having problems with. The Morse Runner program uses the F keys for such functions as call repeat,
That's better
exchange repeat and so on. I was really messing up the F function keys because in the low light I just could not see my keyboard. I was getting very frustrated and on two mornings I just closed the program. Then remembering the blogs were I read about LED lighting I went out and purchased an LED lighting strip. It was super easy to install on the roll top desk and it seemed there was a spot just for the low profile LED strip to be placed. I was not sure if this was the ideal place for the lighting strip (lighting up the operating area and keyboard) It turns out that when the natural light went missing and the LED strip was powered up……all is well at VE3WDM and no QRM from it either.

This happens to everyone else but not me…….

Iphone meets truck
To begin this is a post that has NOTHING to do with ham radio!  Getting that out of the way here we go……. It was a normal day at work and things seemed to be going just fine. We had our job given to use and it was not an outside job. That was great considering it was -20C and with the windchill -30C or more. So being indoors was a bonus, the idea was to pickup some coffee and head to our location. Once at our work site and in a nice warm building I noticed my Iphone was not clipped to my inside pocket! The first thing that came to mind was I left it at the coffee shop where I had it out checking email. Going back out to our truck my partner greeted me with an apology and showed me my Iphone…….it had been run over by our truck!!! It seems my 650.00 Iphone fell out of my pocket lined itself up perfectly with the trucks real
Otterbox defender case
tandem wheels and was run over! The phone was in a carry case called the  Otterbox Defender (don't work for the place or do they throw any money my way) When buying the case I was told it protects the phone in almost all situations.  This sure was a test and when I was given the phone it sure did look like it failed BUT I am thrilled to say the phone once removed from the Otterbox was in perfect shape and I mean not even a scratch. For those of you out there who have a smart phone ( not just Iphone) it sure is worth investing in a case (like the Otterbox) to save your investment from a potential disaster.

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