Posts Tagged ‘radio kits’ Updated

The Splinter from Breadboard Radio

The Splinter from Breadboard Radio

Check out the updated HERE

I now have 64 different sources listed.

Sorry it’s been so long since the last update.



Re-Adding: 4 State QRP Group which got lost in a previous edit (sorry guys!)

AE9RB (Peaberry SDR)

Hans Summers (Ultimate QRSS Kit)

Jackson Harbor Press

Third Planet Solar (HW8 add-ons)

Midnight Design (SDR Cube)

Peebles Originals



Steven Weber

Lots of changes too! Too many to list. -NEW- items or changed items are marked as such. I also did a general cleanup. After all of the moving around between editors, and Blogger, and Word things were looking a bit messy. Hopefully the next version will be more of what I originally wanted and be more database style and searchable.  I’m still verifying prices so they may not all be correct.

If you know of something that is missing please let me know in the comments.

–Neil W2NDG


heathSome of you might remember me talking about the return of Heathkit.heathheath

There has been a lot of mystery surrounding the status of Heathkit, as they popped up a couple of years ago and announced that they were returning.  There was a survey posted online for a long time asking people what they wanted to see from a new Heathkit.  The new Heathkit management hosted a Q and A session on Reddit speaking more about their plans to return.  Then, nothing.  No announcements, no news.  There was brief mention in December when the folks at Adafruit (a company that supports the MAKER community) were briefly in touch with the new Heathkit, and were told that things are still progressing, and there will be no information on what the products will be until they are ready.  All through this, I have been skeptical, as many people would be, since we have heard this story before.

Now, there are changes over at  They are clearly gearing up for products, and support.  They have even started an eBay store where they are selling parts, and some classic equipment.

Cross your fingers.

–Neil W2NDG updating again

Hi all!

CRX1 Receiver from Etherkit

CRX1 Receiver from Etherkit

I’m working on a major update for the kit guide.  I’m finally alphabetizing the list, and including a directory of sources.  I should have the new guide up by this weekend.

I have added a bunch of new vendors. 14 so far and counting.  If you can think of any more, let me know at: W2NDG(at)RadioKitGuide(dot)com

The next big change will be getting the guide into a separate hosted site, and adding a files section, and a forum.

Big things are coming.

Click “Read The Rest of This Post” to read the current list of vendors.

(note: new vendors in the list (*) have not been added to the site as of yet)

73 de Neil W2NDG

Read the rest of this entry » ch-ch-ch-changes

Here are the changes at so far:

  • -Coming Soon- TJ4A MK II 4 Band SSB Transceiver.  No other info yet
  • New- TJ2B MK II SSB Handheld Transceiver.  YouKits combined the A and B models into one with a good choice of bands.  So far only available assembled.
  • New- EK1A and EK1B 3 band QRP CW kits.  Power output 4-5 Watts.  Built in Keyer.  SMD parts all finished.  Assemble in about 2 hours.  A model: 40, 30, and 20 Meters.  B model: 20, 17 and 15 Meters.  $179 + S&H


  • The 1254 Superhet SW receiver has been discontinued.


  • Juha tells me that they are in the process of transferring logistics to a new company.  They hope to have kits available again by the end of the year

-Small Wonder Labs

  • As many of you have heard, Dave Benson has retired from kit production.  The famous RockMite transceiver is supposed to be moving to  You can also check out the Super RockMite from AliExpress further down this listing.

-Wilderness Radio

  • Bob from Wilderness Radio informed me that the SST and Sierra have been officially discontinued due to a parts availability issue.

-Dan’s Small Parts and Kits

  • Dan doesn’t seem to have any kits listed on the website anymore, but is selling some of them on eBay.  See the listing at for more info


  • As stated above, is rumored to be the new source for RockMite kits.  Stay tuned.

-Walford Electronics

  •   -NEW- The Lydford SSB Phone Transceiver.
  •  -NEW-  The FiveFET Simple Regen TRF Receiver.

-Kanga Products UK

  • -NEW- Open QRP Transceiver.  Similar to the Ten-Tec 506 Rebel.  Based on the OPen QRP design from Steve K1EL.

-Kits By EA3GCY

  •  -NEW- EGV-40 CW QRP 40M Transceiver.  40M CW Band.


  •   -NEW- Micro 40S QRP 30 Watt SSB Kit.

-The Ham QRP DIY Kit Shack on AliExpress. 

  • -NEW-Pixie Kit (Improved).
  • -NEW-Frog QRP Kit.
  • -NEW-Super RockMite Kit.

See for all details on these, and many more!

Please leave any additions you may have in the comments.
 is being updated, and you can help!

Hi all,

The Lydford from Walford

The Lydford from Walford

I am in the process of updating  If you can think of any new kit sources that I haven’t covered yet, please leave a comment here.  I am looking for RECEIVER, TRANSMITTER, and TRANSCEIVER  kits.  I will cover accessories at a later date.  If you know of a spectacular source of accessory kits though, send it along anyway.  I am adding a couple of new sources, and making changes to YouKits, Small Wonder Labs (goodbye), TenTec, and several others.  Thanks in advance for your help!

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