Posts Tagged ‘red hat’

LHS Episode #134: Boxers, For Sure

tux_boxer_shortsIn today’s episode, we have our final listener interview from the Hamvention 2014 Indiegogo campaign that actually ended back in February. Mike Maydaniuk, VA7XXM, was kind enough to donate to our Hamvention ambitions, and now comes on the show to share with us his thoughts on Linux, amateur radio, life, and some random silliness. Hope you enjoy, and please make sure to send us feedback, either via e-mail, social media or voice mail.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #041: Deep Thoughts

Deep ThoughtsIf life would stop conspiring to halt production of Linux in the Ham Shack, everything would be just fine. Instead, because of problems in both our lives, the Dayton Hamvention and the Southeast Linux Fest, everything has been pushed back so far we feel like we’re going back in time.

Richard was unable to record for Episode #039, but luckily I was able to find a worthy surrogate for this particular show. Chris and Bryan over at The Linux Action Show had prior obligations and didn’t respond quick enough, respectively, but we hope to have them on a future episode. However, ClaudioM decided he didn’t have anything better to do and was able to swing by and offer his thoughts on a couple of intriquing concepts suggested by visitors to the Dayton Hamvention: 1) How do we promote Linux and Open Source and should it be promoted, and 2) Why does the perception that Linux is harder to use than Windows persist?

I found this to be a rather insightful episode and I hope you do as well. Thank you to everyone who visited Linux in the Ham Shack in Dayton and in Spartanburg, and please enjoy this latest installment of the program.

73 de The LHS Guys (and ClaudioM)

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