Posts Tagged ‘social media’
Occupy Ham Shack
The subject of this blog post (#occupyhamshack) relates to a new Twitter hash tag which started up a few weeks ago. A Twitter hash tag is typically used within a Twitter Tweet or message and is commonly used as a search term. Depending on the Twitter client you use, you can add columns which will automatically list any tweet showing the particular hash tag. Other common amateur radio hash tags are #hamr #hamradio #arrl #dx #sota. The hash tag #occupyhamshack was started by David Kozinn, K2DBK and it’s gained in popularity. Check out David’s blog site here.
While social media is not a replacement for amateur radio, I’m pleased to see amateur radio gaining a large presence in social media circles. I’m finding more and more hams becoming members of these various sites and the ability to share knowledge is becoming a power tool. I also believe it is helping to introduce the magic of amateur radio through these media platforms.
If you haven’t joined and participated in social media, I strongly encourage it. You can follow me on the platforms I frequent by clicking the icons in the upper right-hand corner in the section titled “Follow Me”.
Now go #occupyhamshack and get on the air…
Until next time…
73 de KDØBIK
Join the discussion on Google+
Google+ is the latest entry in the social media web applications taking the world by storm. It’s been around for a little over a month and is gaining some attention. I believe it is still in beta form and you can only gain access to the service via an invite from another existing user. More about that in a minute.
Yes it might be possible that you have already hit your limit of the number of social media sites you will join and use. Like many hams, I tend to frequent Twitter and Facebook only. But Google+ is gaining more of my attention, especially over Facebook.
Facebook privacy concerns have always been something I’ve thought about. I know some folks just flat out will not join Facebook or they cancelled their accounts for this very reason. I tend to operate under the idea that I won’t say or talk about anything on Facebook that I would be afraid for my Mother or Grandmother to read. But with Facebook you really don’t have a lot of control with who you share what information with.
An example of this problem is I have a couple of different types of people who follow me on Facebook. I have hams (like you), family and old class mates. If I log onto Facebook and talk about how excited I was to work the STS-135 special event station, about half of my followers won’t or care to understand what I’m talking about.
Google+ changes all this. When you setup Google+ you add people you know or want to know better into circles. Think of them as a circle of friends. I’ve setup circles based on ham radio, geocaching, flight simulation, family and friends. When I decide to post something on Google+ I can decide which of my circles to direct that message to. This functionality helps prevent the information overload effect of broadcasting every thought to every person you follow.
There are other advantages to Google+ which I’ve not covered. I wanted to keep this blog posting short and sweet. If you are a ham and would like an invite to Google+, please contact me (my email address is on QRZ) and I’ll be more than happy to send you an invite and add you to my amateur radio circle.
Until next time…
73 de KD0BIK
Our Social Media Revolution
The message is clear and it is social media. A cluster of ham radio operators understood a few years ago that a wave, no more like a tsunami, would crash against the shores of culture and it is here. It is not a fad. Social media is transforming our daily lives from inter-personal relationships to business-to-business transactions.
Perhaps, one might say as Alvin Toffler did, this is a power shift.
Failure to realize this transformation, most likely, will leave institutions, organizations, and individuals on the boondocks of the 20th Century.
73 from the shack relaxation zone and thank you FRRL for the content.