Posts Tagged ‘Weather’

Not much doing today

Today was a good day to be indoors. We had some snow today, but not nearly as much as was originally forecast. The weathermen were calling for 3 to 6 inches of the white stuff, but we ended getting around maybe an inch. Just slightly more than a dusting.

I did get on the radio for a bit after handling some house chores. But my radio efforts ended up not being fruitful at all. I called CQ for quite a while on 15, 17, 20 and 30 Meters. The Reverse Beacon Network told me that my signal was getting out just fine, but there were no answers to my calls.  Perhaps every body was busy with the RAC contest.

So I entertained myself by investigating logging programs. The new version of Ham Radio Deluxe is out, but the program went from free to $80. I suppose that given the sophistication of the software that it’s worth it, but I can’t imagine spending that right now. I did sell my K2 and PFR3A recently, but those funds are earmarked for something else. So I will maintain the last free version on my computer. I also noticed that Version 6 is recommended to be run on a Windows 7 machine with dual core processors. Hardly what my netbook is set up for.

Now that computers are becoming such a fixture in our shacks, it almost seems like we are replacing them at faster rates than our radios. There are many Hams out there using boatanchors, but I would venture to guess that most everyone’s computers are not as old. Can’t get away with antiques when it comes to computing power in the shack!

Tomorrow should be less busy as far as chores go. Maybe I’ll bet to spend more time twiddling the dial.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

1 for 4

Not a good start for W2LJ in the inaugural week of the 2012/2013 Winter QRP Fox hunt season.  I only worked one of the four foxes – Jim K4AXF who was one of the 80 Meter Foxes tonight.  I was able to hear Ron KI0II in Colorado rather well for 80 Meters, but could not make myself heard to him.

The 40 Meter hunt on Tuesday night was a complete bust.  I never heard AA4XX at all, all night long.  I did hear Kevin W9CF in Arizona very weakly; but then W1AW code practice came on and that, as they say, was the end of that.

It’s supposed to go up into the 50s to near 60 this weekend.  Maybe I will be able to build and hoist that W3EDP antenna, now that the hurricane and snowstorms have passed.   Maybe I can make the weekend “a twofer” as we say in the Fox hunt world – antenna in the air and leaves off the ground!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

From hurricane’s might to snowy white

All in a week.  A pretty powerful Nor’Easter is visiting the same areas that Sandy just visited last week.  This time the temperatures are low enough that we are experiencing a heavy, wet snowfall.  By the time morning comes, the meteorologists have said we can expect anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of snow, depending upon location.

It started snowing pretty hard around here at around 4:00 PM and is still coming down.

Fortunately, our power is still on, but I am occasionally seeing those now familiar flashes in the sky, indicative  of power transformers experiencing a non-passive failure (i.e blowing up).  I sure hope the power stays on; but I am seeing via Facebook that parts of South Plainfield have returned to darkness.

I spoke with W2SH, Charles on 80 Meters this evening,  He is a fellow Foxhunter and QRPer who lives roughly 20 -25 miles from me.  Charles lives in a very rural area in Morris County and his property is pretty far from his street.  He experienced a few utility poles in his area collapsing, so he is still without power as not only the lines; but the poles need replacing too.  I gave him my telephone number and asked him to call me if he needs anything.  He told me that he and his wife are in good spirits, they still have gas, so they can cook and still have hot water and have a fireplace to keep the house from getting bitter cold.

Please keep in your prayers all the victims of Sandy who are experiencing another knock down punch this week.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Sandy, oh Sandy!

You’ve undoubtedly seen photos of the destruction that Sandy wreaked in Manhattan, Staten Island and the Jersey shore.  This storm was nothing like anything I have experienced before.  I have been through quite a number of hurricanes in my 55 years, and flooding was ALWAYS the major issue.  Except for Manhattan, Staten Island and the Jersey shore, flooding was NOT the big issue – the wind was.

We waited for the rains to come – and they did. Maybe 3 to 4 inches of rain?  Not a lot by hurricane standards. The winds however, were unearthly. You know how you hear tornado survivors say the winds sounded like a freight train going by?  That was what this was like.  Laying in bed Monday night, trying to fall asleep and listening to the wind shriek and howl quite unlike anything I have heard before, was so unsettling.

Waking up Tuesday morning, the rain was falling gently and the winds were very calm – nothing like the night before.  As I woke up to get dressed and get ready for work (yes, I was expected in), the world was dark and quiet.  I decided at the last minute to bring my camera with me.  My wife Marianne also took a camera with her later that afternoon when she took our dog Jesse, for his walk.

Here’s just a small sample of the sights we saw in South Plainfield, NJ.  Our town looked like something from a war zone or a movie set.  We took a lot more photos – and please note, this all happened within walking distance of our home.

This is the tree that took out our electricity for five days. That’s Jesse, our dog in the lower left corner.
Down the street from us.
Siding ripped from a house.
Around the block from us.
Another tree down.
The fence surrounding the community pool was destroyed.
Around another block.
This is the branch that fell off our maple tree in the back yard. The EDZ wire was higher than this limb.
A neighbor, just down the street from us.
An evergreen down on the side of our Church, Sacred Heart.
A car port demolished.
Just around the corner from us. This tree didn’t take down any wires but is being gently suspended by them.
I learned a lot from this experience.  Over the next post or two, I will share some observations about being prepared and some other things.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Landfall !!!

Hurricane Sandy has doubled her speed from 14 MPH to 28 MPH and has made landfall around the Cape May area of New Jersey.

Courtesy of Wunderground
I now know what a Christmas Tree feels like, with the lights blinking on and off so much. But hey, at least for now they are continuing to come back on. The next six hours or so should be the worst.
I have switched from the desktop to the laptop. The desktop doesn’t seem to like the sudden power downs too much.
72 de Larry W2LJ
Q!RP – When you care to send the very least!

Two to four hours from landfall

and the winds are picking up.  This is the maple in the backyard that serves as the center support for my 88′ EDZ.

So far, recorded gusts from nearby weather stations have topped out at 45 MPH.  That may double as Sandy makes landfall.  I heard a loud crack before. Turns out a branch in the neighbor’s back yard snapped.  Hope that’s not in store for us.

Power has gone out briefly several times already.   Marianne has called to inform me she might be stuck overnight at the dialysis clinic where she’s an RN.  Seems that some of the local roads have been closed.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

All over but for the waiting

I spent another three hours with my CERT Team today, filling and distributing sand bags to the citizens of South Plainfield who requested them.  I left an hour early as I came home to clean out the gutters, which had filled up with leaves (again).  Did I ever mention that I hate heights and I really, really hate ladders?  I fell off of one as a child, and have had an intense dislike of them ever since.  But you do what you have to do.

The garbage cans have been securely bungee corded to the fence.  All Halloween decorations have been brought in.  I also covered the grill and secured that in place with bungee cords.

All that’s left now is waiting for the “show” to begin.

To all of you in Sandy’s path, I wish you Godspeed and pray that you all will remain safe and directly out of harm’s way.  May we all wake up on Wednesday, and by the Lord’s grace, be able to say – “That wasn’t so bad!”.

I will post as I am able.  If you don’t hear from me – no surprise – the power will have gone out.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

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