Posts Tagged ‘WSPR’
Ultimate 3 WSPR (and other modes) beacon
The Ultimate3 QRSS/WSPR Transmitter Kit is the third version in the “Ultimate” QRSS/WSPR kit trilogy. It can produce QRSS, Hell, WSPR, Opera and PI4 slow-signal modes anywhere from audio to 10m and above. Plug-in LPF filters are available for all 12 HF/MF/LF bands.
The price is USD $29.00. To order please visit QRP Labs.
The Ultimate 3 is probably the lowest cost beacon available. I still have my unbuilt kit awaiting better health to build, although several kind folk have offered to build mine for me. Jay W5OLF kindly supplied me a 10m 500mW, single PCB, WSPR beacon (WSPR-AXE-CW) ready assembled and that has blown me away: it has been copied in every continent on 10m. The Ultimate 3 is the more flexible design but the WSPR-AXE-CW is an ideal tiny WSPR only beacon.
My Ultimate 3 kit was ordered with GPS, but it was supplied without this, but with an extra PCB – I think I got the wrong order. I really should write to Hans Summers, but I have been too unwell. For now, the kit remains unbuilt. I intend to build it when I am fitter and less clumsy, hopefully in 2015.
WSPRnet problems
WSPR signals propagate around the world and allow very weak signals to be correctly decoded. WSPR is some 12-14dB better than normal speed CW. If 10W gets through on CW less than 1W is quite enough with WSPR. My own 10m 500mW beacon, to a simple “nothing special” end-fed wire antenna has been copied on every continent in recent weeks, including Australasia and Antarctica.
The main bonus with WSPR is that all reports can be automatically sent to an internet database (WSPRnet), so anyone can see where signals are reaching and how well. Today though, the WSPRnet database has been in trouble, possibly due to being overloaded. It was not working the last time I checked but was working late this morning.
Android WSPR apps
Thanks (again) to Steve G1KQH, these are Android apps for WSPR. I see they now include a TX beacon.
Two new WSPR Apps for Android
WSPR Beacon
and another I have just found:
apps/details?id=xxx.wspr. g4swy&hl=en_GB 73 Steve
A Fine “U3” Package For 630m
The "U3" is the Ultimate3 QRSS/WSPR Transmitter Kit produced by Hans Summers (GØUPL) and is fast becoming a popular and inexpensive workhorse among WSPR fans. A short description from GØUPL's website indicates that the "U3" is:
"the third version in the "Ultimate" QRSS/WSPR kit trilogy. It can produce QRSS, Hell, WSPR, Opera and PI4 slow-signal modes anywhere from audio to 10m and above. Plug-in LPF filters are available for all 12 HF/MF/LF bands."
Jack has tailored his version for our new (to Canadian amateurs) 630m band but has also added a versatile MOSFET linear amplifier of his own design that runs on 12VDC. Using an inexpensive IRF540 switching FET, Jack can run up to 30W of output on 630m but normally runs at the 5-10W level on 475 kHz. Most of Jack's homebrew gear looks as if it just came off the Hewlett-Packard assembly line and his latest project is no exception.
All images courtesy of VA7JX |
Using mainly the WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter) mode, Jack and many others, have found that 630m offers some amazing propagation, considering the low ERP levels imposed by the backyard-sized antenna efficiencies on this band. Using an inverted "L", resonated for 630m, his 5W signal has been spotted by the following stations in the past few days:
WH2XCR (Hawaii) at 4258 km.
WG2XJM, 3552 km, Shawnee, OK
WH2XHY, 2822 km, Fitchborg Wi.
WG2XXM, 2789 km, Wichita Kansas.
N6KOG, 1390 km, Tracy Ca.
KK6EEW, 1284 km, Healdsburg Ca.
WE2XPQ, 1172 km, Alaska
W7LW, 983 km, Kuna, ID
W7MY, 605 km, Richland WA.
WH2XGP, 504 km, Quincy, WA
VA7JX is one of the three west coast Canadian stations that have transmit-capability on 630m, the two others being myself and VE7BDQ (John). John can be found most nights on the 475kHz WSPR mode as well, running the legal limit of 5W EIRP into a small inverted "L" as well. John has also enjoyed good success on WSPR, having been spotted regularly on the east coast and more recently, in Hawaii. For exact frequencies of both stations, check the WSPRNet Activity page for the latest real-time information.
Although WSPR works well as a propagation indicator....and it seems that there is plenty of nice propagation on does not allow two stations to actually QSO each other. Our new band really needs more Canadian stations to spark activity and get things rolling! Ideally, it would be nice to call CQ on the band, with a realistic hope of getting a reply.
With three VE7's now 'all-ears', nightly activity from VE6, VE5, VE4 and VE3 would be an exciting prospect and would really liven-up what seems to be a very prop-friendly part of the spectrum...who'd a thought it? It seems that amateurs are now re-discovering what the maritime operators have known for decades!
If any of us can help you with getting on-the-air, please do not hesitate to ask....and, if you are presently building or testing, you can look for your signal on the VA7JX 630m screen grabber....a real-time view of the band from VE7 land and available any time, by chance or by request, from VA7JX.
Using the W5OLF 500mW 10m WSPR beacon today
W5OLF WSPR beacon – complete – no PC needed |
This WSPR-AXE really is a very impressive little rig, in my case for 10m WSPR. Because of my current disabled state – I find all electronics building just about impossible – Jay very kindly sold me a built unit to evaluate. Results in just a few hours of operating have been truly impressive. No PC is needed as long as the push button is pressed at the start of an even minute. Jay says it stays stable for weeks thereafter. I ran mine for 3.5 hours and got masses of decodes. After lunch it has been getting LOTS of spots from the USA. I am sure it will reach Australia soon.
The unit needs about 15 minutes to frequency stabilise and after that it always on, but it randomises the slots within the WSPR transmit window. This means it is unlikely to be “clobbered” by more powerful stations or cause others co-channel issues.
Best DX report (so far) today is FR1GZ (9724km).
10m WSPR – unique spots with the W5OLF beacon today, arranged by distance |
If you want to buy one Jay W5OLF may be contacted on [email protected]t .
30m WSPR transceiver kit
By now, you probably realise that I just love WSPR. With quite simple equipment it is possible to be decoded across the planet consistently with real QRP power levels. I am always on the look-out for new ideas, although until my health improves I am not in a position to build too much myself. See for an example of a complete 30m WSPR transceiver.
This is NOT a new circuit – it has been around for some years – and it still needs a PC for the WSPR software. Some TX-only WSPR beacons use microprocessors to generate the WSPR TX messages, thereby freeing up the PC and consuming little power overall. Some sync to GPS to avoid timing issues too.
My soldering skills are rather “challenged” since my brain bleed 13 months ago. I have an un-built Ultimate 3 kit waiting for my better health. Several kind people have offered me help to build and test it: you know who you are and thank you! The kindness of fellow QRPers knows no bounds. It is so lovely to find how many really kind people there are around. There are far more good people in the world than bad ones.
Some years ago W5OLF sold a very simple, single board, few parts, WSPR TX which I think I could manage to build. I could not find it advertised. Anyone know if it is it still available?