Posts Tagged ‘WSPR’
100mW’s of raw power!!
Nightly 75kHz WSPR Activity From Arizona – WH2XND
2.5mH 136kHz loading coil at WH2XND |
For the past few weeks, Ron, NI7J in Phoenix, has been activating his experimental station, WH2XND, in the LF band ... on 75.550kHz (WSPR), where he is licenced to operate.
Last night I decided to put my nightly 630m WSPR beacon on hold and have a listen for Ron's signal using my 10' x 20' loop.
Ron's main experimental operating has been on 630m and 2200m WSPR mode but his recent activity on 75kHz has sparked a lot of interest among dedicated summertime listeners. WH2XND is licenced for 10W ERP on 75kHz, not a number that's easy to muster considering the poor antenna efficiency produced by typical amateur installations ... however, judging from Ron's coils, his installation looks far from 'typical'!
Ron's signal is being well heard, even up in Alaska, in spite of the noisy summer conditions and it will be interesting to see how well it propagates once we move into the fall and quieter winter nights.
The big loop seemed to do well with Ron's signal last night, resulting in 55 decodes starting at around 2300 local time and continuing to sunrise.
Timestamp Call SNR Grid
2016-07-12 12:28 WH2XND -28 DM33xt
2016-07-12 12:20 WH2XND -27 DM33xt
2016-07-12 12:16 WH2XND -25 DM33xt
2016-07-12 12:12 WH2XND -28 DM33xt
2016-07-12 12:08 WH2XND -27 DM33xt
2016-07-12 12:04 WH2XND -28 DM33xt
2016-07-12 12:00 WH2XND -29 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:40 WH2XND -25 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:36 WH2XND -20 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:32 WH2XND -18 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:28 WH2XND -18 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:24 WH2XND -19 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:20 WH2XND -19 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:16 WH2XND -20 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:12 WH2XND -20 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:08 WH2XND -19 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:04 WH2XND -19 DM33xt
2016-07-12 11:00 WH2XND -20 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:56 WH2XND -20 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:52 WH2XND -21 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:48 WH2XND -22 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:44 WH2XND -23 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:40 WH2XND -24 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:36 WH2XND -25 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:32 WH2XND -26 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:28 WH2XND -24 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:24 WH2XND -24 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:20 WH2XND -25 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:16 WH2XND -24 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:12 WH2XND -23 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:08 WH2XND -26 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:04 WH2XND -25 DM33xt
2016-07-12 10:00 WH2XND -26 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:56 WH2XND -26 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:52 WH2XND -27 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:40 WH2XND -26 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:36 WH2XND -25 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:32 WH2XND -24 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:28 WH2XND -26 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:24 WH2XND -26 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:20 WH2XND -28 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:16 WH2XND -27 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:08 WH2XND -27 DM33xt
2016-07-12 09:00 WH2XND -27 DM33xt
2016-07-12 08:56 WH2XND -28 DM33xt
2016-07-12 08:52 WH2XND -29 DM33xt
2016-07-12 08:44 WH2XND -29 DM33xt
2016-07-12 08:40 WH2XND -27 DM33xt
2016-07-12 08:36 WH2XND -28 DM33xt
2016-07-12 06:44 WH2XND -32 DM33xt
2016-07-12 06:32 WH2XND -31 DM33xt
2016-07-12 06:28 WH2XND -31 DM33xt
2016-07-12 06:24 WH2XND -30 DM33xt
2016-07-12 06:20 WH2XND -30 DM33xt
2016-07-12 06:12 WH2XND -29 DM33xt
His signal peaked here (shown in blue above) about an hour before sunrise, with almost a dozen decodes in the -18 to -20 region ... not far from audible CW levels which will probably be seen in winter. It was interesting to note as well, that in several transmitting sequences, Ron's signal was stronger in Alaska than it was here and in Washington state ... just the opposite of what one might expect.
In the past, I have had good results on 75kHz with Dex (W4DEX), when listening for his QRSS CW signal, using my normal inverted -L with a 2.5mH RFC inserted in series with the antenna's normal loading coil.
'XRS/5' on 75kHz from W4DEX in NC |
CW Forever …?
24 Hour 'JT' 6m Activity |
The transverter develops just over 70 watts output when run on 13V and so far, has been able to take all of the nightly punishment I've been able to throw at it with flying colors. Here is a WSPRnet screen shot taken from a typical night of my WSPR beaconing on 630m:
courtesy: KB5NJD's 630m Info |
I was also able to have my first JT-9 mode QSO this week, with Toby, VE7CNF. This mode is the weak-signal WSPR QSO mode, tailored for LF/MF work and allows for calls, signal reports and confirmations (R's) to be exchanged ... the minimum requirements needed to claim a contact. Although additional information can be exchanged, its 13-letter message buffer does not exactly promote ragchew style conversations and some creativity is required to exchange more than the basics.
With many of our newer 'digital-savy' amateurs not necessarily being proficient in CW, I suspect that JT-9 may well evolve to become the go-to weak signal communication mode on 630m, much as it has in Europe. In fact, popularity of this mode in Europe has already spawned a few JT-9 contest weekends on 630m, with high activity levels being reported. I'm really looking forward to a 630m JT-9 QSO party in North America, once the band becomes a reality in the U.S.A.
JT-9 is capable of decoding signals reliably down to -24db SNR and boasts a 50% reliability of decoding at -26db SNR. Audible CW drops out at around -16 to -18db SNR, so communicating with JT-9 is the equivalent of going from 100 watts to around 800 watts ... a significant improvement and very helpful on 630m! Like WSPR, JT-9 will work with non-linear transverters and amplifiers such as the commonly-used and simple to build switching MOSFET Class D/E styles.
There also appears to be a fast-growing use of JT-65A on the 6m band this summer, with numerous 'CW forever' operators finding the mode's ability to dig up to 10db deeper into the noise paying off with surprising results. Some western North American operators have noticed that European JT-65A signal levels indicate that they should be in the CW-copiable range yet no CW activity is heard, for which there seems to be no ready explanation. Perhaps more will be learned this summer as the use of this mode continues to expand.
As one of the 'CW forever' proponents willing to try something different, I also have been listening for and working stations on 6m over the past few days on JT-65A. With the IC-756ProIII throttled back to 25 watts, I've found it fairly easy to make contacts when the band is open but have yet to hear or work anything unusual.
I'd love to hear your own comments on the use of JT-9 or JT-65A, particularly on 630m or on 6m ... maybe you can pass along some tips for those of us that are new to the mode on this band.
I may have to reconsider this 'CW forever' thing!
The ZL1SIX Ocean Floater
For those of you that are fans of the low-powered "party balloon" floaters, such as the recent S-9 flight by VE3KCL, now comes a different kind of floater and one that really does float ... on the Pacific Ocean!
The "Ocean Floater" is the work of Bob, ZL1RS, who has been very active in tracking the other floaters from his excellent receiving site down-under. Like the balloons, Bob's beacon also utilizes the QRP Labs U3S hardware to transmit data in both WSPR and JT9 modes. The little beacon runs ~100mw on the 30m WSPR band and tracking this one will likely be a bit more challenging than following the high-flying balloons.
Bob's 'Ocean Floater courtesy: |
Here is Bob's description as he posted to Yahoo Groups QRP Labs:
A small project inspired by Hans' Voyager ideas at ... the Floater is a 100mW
transmitter on the 30m band with a short base-loaded whip antenna
mounted on a buoy that will drift in the Pacific Ocean. It is sending a
standard WSPR transmission once and hour, followed by two JT9
transmissions giving its position, the temperature, and the battery voltage.
The project was deliberately kept very simple. A QRP-Labs U3S
transmitter and firmware made the electronics side easy. The U3S was
rebuilt on a board with a more open layout to allow experimentation and
the addition of a PICAXE controller to switch things on/off as required
to reduce overall battery consumption. Most of the "hard work" was in
the buoy body and antenna. More information about how this went
together can be found at
Today the Floater left on the yacht Windflower to be released into the
south-west Pacific Ocean in a few days time. This will ensure the
Floater is well clear of the coastal currents around ZL that would
otherwise have 'beached' it along the coast if it been launched from the
shore. Unlike balloon flights, things will happen very very slowly, so
updates to the webpage and tracking map will probably only be made on a
daily basis. WSPRnet spots will show the 4 character Maidenhead
locator position, and the JT9 decodes have a 6 character Maidenhead
resolution. Any JT9 decodes you receive will be appreciated via e-mail
to [email protected]
73, Bob ZL1RS
The beacon will use the call "ZL1SIX" and will be launched shortly, near Minerva Reef. Watch Bob's website for tracking and updates and ... good luck Bob!
VK4YB Lights Up West Coast On 630m
Roger's signal has been decoded locally by myself as well as VE7BDQ and VA7MM, creating excitement over the more normal nightly spots from the central states.
2016-04-13 11:10 VK4YB 0.475646 -28 QG62ku 5 VA7MM CN89og
2016-04-13 11:20 VK4YB 0.475647 -29 QG62ku 5 VA7MM CN89og
2016-04-13 11:28 VK4YB 0.475647 -28 QG62ku 5 VA7MM CN89og
2016-04-13 11:28 VK4YB 0.475644 -23 QG62ku 5 VE7BDQ CN89la
2016-04-13 11:36 VK4YB 0.475644 -26 QG62ku 5 VE7BDQ CN89la
2016-04-13 11:52 VK4YB 0.475643 -25 QG62ku 5 VE7BDQCN89la
2016-04-13 11:56 VK4YB 0.475643 -28 QG62ku 5 VE7BDQ CN89la
2016-04-07 08:54 VK4YB 0.475643 -25 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-07 09:36 VK4YB 0.475644 -29 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-07 10:08 VK4YB 0.475644 -29 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-07 10:18 VK4YB 0.475644 -29 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-07 11:04 VK4YB 0.475644 -29 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 11:06 VK4YB 0.475644 -24 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 11:10 VK4YB 0.475644 -23 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 11:20 VK4YB 0.475644 -23 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 11:28 VK4YB 0.475644 -28 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 11:32 VK4YB 0.475644 -25 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 11:52 VK4YB 0.475643 -18 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 11:56 VK4YB 0.475643 -22 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 12:16 VK4YB 0.475643 -27 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 12:28 VK4YB 0.475643 -26 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 12:32 VK4YB 0.475643 -25 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 12:54 VK4YB 0.475644 -24 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 12:58 VK4YB 0.475643 -24 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 13:10 VK4YB 0.475643 -25 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 13:24 VK4YB 0.475643 -27 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
2016-04-13 13:28 VK4YB 0.475643 -27 QG62ku 5 VE7SL CN88iu
Roger has sent the following information to me regarding his well-planned system:
My QTH is atop of a stony ridge on 10 acres. The previous owner said there was some soil somewhere, but I haven't found it yet! Ground conductivity is very poor, I think. If you drive in two stakes about six inches apart, an ohmmeter says infinity. That's if you can drive in a stake. Because after the first quarter inch you hit shale rock. Interestingly the shale layers are at about 60 degrees to the horizontal. There are some quartz inclusions. Yes, I have tried crushing the quartz and panning it - no gold!
Getting back to my story, I needed to put up a 630m antenna in a hurry. The idea of winding a big loading coil with the rotatable inner coil was a bit daunting. And putting down ground radials or an earth mat was out of the question. So, using only some wire, string and a bow and arrow, this is what I came up with:
I estimate the feed point impedance is about 3000 ohms. The ATU has 48 turns on the secondary, tuned by fixed capacitors of 960 pF in parallel with a 500 pF variable which is about two thirds meshed. The primary is 5 turns fed by the transverter having a 50 ohm nominal output. The impedance at the top of the secondary should be near 5000 ohms, but the antenna feed wire is tapped about two thirds of the way up the secondary coil, which gives 1.03 : 1 SWR. The earthy end of the coil is connected to the mains earth and the metal work of the shed. I haven't tried terminating the far end. I did think about connecting it to the fence wire that runs round the property but I thought that might be a bit dangerous. There would be high voltage points in places. The transverter output is nominally 50 watts, but it is giving about 90 watts in reality.
Roger - VK4YB |
630m To Down Under
Today's Sun courtesy: |
With the sun remaining reasonably quiet over the past several days, a sudden spike in the geomagnetic field on Saturday afternoon saw a number of trans-Pacific spots showing up on 630m WSPR mode.
courtesy: |
courtesy: |
VK3ELV 630m |
courtesy: |
Although VK3ELV's signal was right at the edge of WSPR decoding levels (-29db), it would only take a few more db to allow a two-way JT9 digital mode QSO to take place ... maybe something that will be possible in the coming years of solar minimum and much better LF/MF propagation. To be readable on CW would need an equivalent true power output increase of at least 16 times, requiring VK3ELV to run around 2,000 watts output!
Over the years I have seen ZL6QH a number of times on 2200m (QRSS CW mode) but this is my first reception of VK and, hopefully, not my last.
To keep up to date with overnight activities on 630m, visit the excellent site of KB5NJD. John posts a detailed daily summary of events. In addition, you will find some excellent resources to help you get involved in this part of the spectrum ... and remember, you don't need a big backyard or a big antenna to have fun on 630m.
LHS Episode #162: Mumbo Gumbo
Hello there and welcome to the latest installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. For your listening pleasure this fortnight, we have information on politics in the ARRL, opportunities for kids to participate in ham radio and FEMA, adventures in WSPR, a lost Atari 2600 ham radio app, a quick review of SolusOS and much more. Please enjoy.
73 de The LHS Crew