Take your hand-held to work day: 1st October
The South African national radio society, SARL have come up with what I think is a really inspired idea! They are promoting ‘Take your Handheld to Work Day’ on 1st October. They are asking amateurs across South Africa to take their handhelds to work on the 1st October and demonstrate amateur radio to their friends and colleagues during tea and lunch breaks.
In support of that, I’m planning to make sure that I try and connect to some South African repeaters during the day using Echolink and see if I can make a contact or two. It would be great if others did the same in support of this superb idea.
And of course, handhelds don’t just have to be VHF/UHF. Perhaps FT817s and some simple low power morse activity could feature to show the HF side of the hobby too.
You can read more about the SARL initiative here
Well done SARL. I wonder if some other societies will follow suit – I hope so!