The bands improve slow but sure………
Found some time last night to spend at the rig most of the time during the week once things are done for the evening I'm just to tired for hobby time. Seems I found my second wind and I took advantage and flipped the K3 on. I was able to receive Turkey, Guernsey and Newfoundland. My five watts was just not making it. To bad they all would had been new DXCC's for me to add to the count. Booming in on 10m's was HC2AC from Ecuador a country that is already on my DXCC list. I dropped my power down to 1 watts and gave him a call. He came back to me right away with a great report. With one watt it gave me a 3,151 miles per watt contact. As I look back I should have dropped the power to 500mW's or less and moved the power upward to see how little it took to make the contact. Conditions were such that as fast as he was booming in HC2AC was down at the noise level and then gone.
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].