The Christmas VHF/UHF cumulatives
Although I don’t enter the contests as such, I always enjoy taking a few moments to try and make some contacts in the RSGB Christmas VHF/UHF Cumulatives. I particularly enjoy the multi-band element – where you work someone on one band and then try and work them on the other bands that they have available.
This year, I had 144 and 432MHz available as per normal, but I thought I would try on 70MHz FM as well. In theory, I have 70MHz CW/SSB, but as you will remember, the FT847 has such a poor receiver for weak signals, it’s not really worth using in a ‘tropo’ context. I missed most of the first session, but was intrigued to hear 2E0NEY from near Bath on 70MHz FM, on the Wouxun handheld, as I was coming back from a walk. Naturally, I called him, but alas, I still haven’t made a QSO on the handheld!
Some of the notable QSOs from the two sessions; ON4WY was worked on 144MHz in two sessions, GW8IZR from Anglesey, (IO73) was a very welcome one on 144Mhz. It’s not that far, but the antenna isn’t that good to the north as there are some local obstructions. It was good working Dave, G4ASR on both 144 and 432MHz. I even heard him a couple of times on 70MHz FM but didn’t manage to attract his attention! Stewart, G0LGS from Cheltenham was loud on both 144 and 432MHz which I thought was good going, considering the path over the Cotswolds. Similarly, Brian, G6HIE in Worthing, under the South Downs was doing well and it was fun to make it on both 144 and 432MHz with him. I should really have tried on 70MHz FM – could be an interesting path!
Chris, G4CCC was the best DX on 70MHz FM at 42km, only just further than Colin, G3TA at 41km! Lots of fun trying a bit more 70MHz FM and I’m confident the gear is working reasonably well now.
No great DX in the sessions, but an enjoyable mix of contacts on different bands during the sessions