The other thing I wanted to talk about tonight
is the new book out by Don Keith N4KC. If you haven’t read about it on his blog, then I am going to tell you about it here.
The name of the book is “Riding the Shortwaves: Exploring the Magic of Amateur Radio“
I purchased it the other day, and this book is fantastic, IMHO!
If you have someone that you know is thinking of becoming a Ham, has inclinations about becoming a Ham, or is actively studying to become a Ham, or recently became a Ham – direct them to this book! Don is an accomplished, published author – and this book showcases his writing skill.
It is written in friendly, plain language, with just the right amount of Ham jargon infused (fully explained) that is perfect for those who are getting into or just got into the hobby. And the primary focus of this book is getting on the HF bands. How many new Hams do you know that get their license and then just seem to stagnate on VHF/UHF, get bored and leave the hobby?
That situation vexed Don N4KC also, and this is his effort to solve that problem. The first thing he does (and does it really well!) is to inform the prospective or new Ham just how great operating on the HF bands is. He puts “The Magic” that is HF into words better than I’ve ever read before. Then he builds upon that by covering how to set up your station, how to choose and set up an antenna, which are just a few of the topics covered in this book. I have to tell you, that in all honesty, I wish this book was out 34 years ago when I first got started.
This book has all the stuff that we OT HF operators learned the hard way. Now it’s written down in a book that is a delightful and very entertaining read. Hey, there’s even stuff in here that’s a good review for us OT’s, too! Learning and having fun while doing it – what could be better than that?
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!