The PAØ call

Several years ago I changed my old call sign PAØPSY (and my first one) into PC4T and a few others. (PA9B | PH0TO) but they changed suddenly the rules. When changed you can't get the old call sign back. WTF. If I had known I would not have changed my call sign. Now they will withdraw this rule. At the end of this year I can go back to my first and old call sign again. [link]

Next question: should I? I made a lot of contacts with the PC4T call sign, also they know me by blogging. And now everyone can get a PAØ call sign, it's not special any more. So I tend to stick to the PC4T call sign.

Still in

Paul Stam, PC4T, is a regular contributor to and writes from the Netherlands. Contact him at

8 Responses to “The PAØ call”

  • NoNo:

    Dus eigenlijk ben je een zeurpiet.

  • Richard KWØU:

    There is no easy answer to this. My last name is WEIL and I could have changed by call to WE1L. I though about it, but realized everyone knew me by my current one (which I have had since 1983) and all my awards are by that as well. Also, it would be confusing if someone else got my old call sign. So I left it alone. But perhaps other people feel differently on the matter.

  • Paul PC4T:

    @NoNo: de grootste zeurpiet ben jijzelf, nee, eigenlijk een grote lul dat je anoniem reageert. EIKEL.

  • NoNo:

    En zo zie je maar weer hoe een “aardige” amateur,zijn ware aard laat zien.
    En ik doe het anoniem, zodat jij lekker kan schelden.
    PA0zeurpiet, het voorbeeld voor het zendamateurisme.
    Mvg, NoNo

  • Kyle N4NSS:

    PC4T is who you are now. My original call was WA9USD, but when I moved to Florida I knew that call would have to go because of the (9). I started over with N4NSS and in doing so I also discovered a new identity but with a connection to my past. N4NSS is my last and best. Google me and check my Navy history. 73 Kyle

  • Paul PC4T:

    Beste meneer NoNo, ik ben normaal gesproken een heel aardig mens. Maar waar ik echt pissed off van word zijn anonieme afzeikers. Het hele internet zit vol met dit soort mensen. Als je een echte kerel bent dan doe je dat gewoon op persoonlijk titel maar verberg je je niet achter een pseudoniem. Ik kan heus wel tegen kritiek. Maar hier houd ik niet van. Vind je mijn stukjes niet leuk dan ga je toch gewoon mijn stukjes toch niet lezen? Zo simpel is het. Waarom jezelf irriteren om blogs van zeurpieten te lezen? En als ik wil zeuren op mijn blog dan mag ik dat. Het is mijn blog.

  • Paul PC4T:

    Hi Richard, it is rather tempting. Nice call WE1L, but I understand your point of view. It can be confusing. I think I stick to current call for the same reason you pointed out. It’s more a feeling of nostalgia. 😉 73 Paul

  • Paul PC4T:

    Hi Kyle, thanks for your comment. Yes, PC4T is my identity now. People know me by that call. So I it will stay that way. I will check your Navy history. My father and my eldest son served the Royal Dutch Navy. 73 Paul

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