The Spectrum Monitor — November, 2015
Stories you’ll find in our November, 2015 issue:
TSM Reviews: Electraft K3s—Another Step Forward
By Mark Haverstock K8MSH
If you already have a K3, you know you have one of the best, full-featured rigs around. It will serve you well for years to come. But many of us have the urge to keep up with the latest and greatest. Is it time to upgrade? A longtime kit builder and ham, Mark tells us why an Elecraft K3s should be in our future.
Current and Future Trends in Scanning Radio
By Chris Parris
The current models of digital scanners are now starting to resemble – no, they actually are small, self-contained computer systems, complete with networking, USB ports, removable media, built-in audio recording and updatable operating firmware. Some even offer the ability to remotely access and control these scanners over the Internet. Chris tells us which scanners are best for your local scanning situation.
TSM Reviews: EZ-Scan WS1095—Whistler’s Digital Scanning Receiver
By Chris Parris
With the introduction of the WS-1095, we get a look at a scanner design that was apparently conceived at GRE, but did not see the light of day until Whistler made it so. Now, Chris puts this multi-talented scanner through real-world paces. He notes, “Performance of the WS-1095 scanner in most respects matches the other radios in the GRE/Whistler line.”
TSM Reviews: Airspy SDR Receiver System
By Bob Grove W8JHD
In electronic communications, software defined radio (SDR) is becoming dominant. For radio hobbyists, a niche product is gaining momentum: the SDR dongle. Only slightly larger than a memory stick, when plugged into a USB port, it converts your computer into a flexible, wide-frequency-coverage receiver. Is this just another SDR dongle? Bob, tells us what really sets this diminutive receiver apart from the rest.
Digital Amateur Radio Roundup
By Cory Sickles WA3UVV
In the spirit of this month’s Radio Buyers’ Guide, Cory reviews the growing list of transceivers available for the digitally inclined ham. If you haven’t already transitioned into the digital domain, or you are looking for an additional model or methodology to try out, you will find this overview of use to you.
Toward a Glorious and Uncertain Future!
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
With all evidence to date, the phenomenon we call amateur radio will have been born, matured, evolved and “died,” in a 150-250 year period. Period! Kirk shows us that there’s still hope for the future.
FTA Satellite-TV: The Heir to Shortwave Radio
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
Originally, countries turned to shortwave to serve two specific purposes: promote their own cultural and political ideas worldwide and serve the expatriate community abroad. As shortwave declined throughout the 1980s to the present, many of those same broadcasters began appearing on geostationary satellites doing exactly the same thing, only this time with pictures (and now in HDTV format) as well as words and sound.
Scanning America
By Dan Veenaman
Tennessee Advanced Communications Network
Federal Wavelengths By Chris Parris
CBP OAM Changes
Utility Planet By Hugh Stegman NV6H
Goodbye HF911, Hello UrgentLink
Digital HF: Intercept and Analyze By Mike Chace-Ortiz AB1TZ/G6DHU
All About NAVTEX
HF Utility Logs By Mike Chace-Ortiz and Hugh Stegman
Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
Ham Radio on the Big Screen(s)
Radio 101 By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
License-Free Two-Way Radio: CB/FRS/GMRS/MURS
Radio Propagation By Tomas Hood NW7UST
The Sun Part 2: Coronas, Sunspots and SIDs
The World of Shortwave Listening By Thomas Witherspoon W4SWL
Buyer’s Guide to Shortwave Radios
The Shortwave Listener By Fred Waterer
Shortwave Listening via Internet Archives
Amateur Radio Astronomy By Stan Nelson KB5VL
Continuum Monitoring Using an SDR R820T Dongle
The Longwave Zone By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
Miscou DXpedition and LF Resources
Adventures in Radio Restoration By Rich Post KB8TAD
Powering and Testing the Zenith Trans-oceanic G-500
The Broadcast Tower By Doug Smith W9WI
Why is that Tower where it is?
Antenna Connections By Dan Farber AC0LW
MFJ: Our Friend in the Radio Business
Radio Horizons
DXtreme Reception Log (V. 10,0); Klingenfuss 2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide
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