The TX Factor Team Goes Continental!
The team at TX Factor, the UK’s only TV show dedicated to amateur radio is proud to announce that the back catalogue of episodes will soon be available with French subtitles. To date, episode 1 has been encoded and the translation team is now working on episode 2 with the aim of translating each show as it becomes available.
The band of French amateurs who have undertaken the project include Franck F4HFQ, Laurent F6FVY, Philippe F8BXI and Laurent F8GQH.
Within a few days of the french subtitled version becoming available it had received over 800 views – presumably from OM in France and other French speaking colonies.
If anyone would like to offer to translate TX Factor into Spanish please contact the producers at [email protected]
The original version of TX Factor episode 1 has received over 30,000 views since its launch in February 2014.
All the episodes, including TXtra features and regular amateur radio podcasts, can be viewed at the TX Factor website
The HD TV shows are presented by Bob McCreadie G0FGX, Mike Marsh G1IAR, Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ and are sponsored by UK distributor Martin Lynch and Sons and Yaesu Musen Co, Japan.