The Yaesu FT-897 is coming to it’s end
I read the report on Southgate Amateur radio news that the Yaesu FT-897 is coming to an end. This is a great rig for both portable, mobile and home use. You can have up to 20 watts on battery power and up to 100 watts from your DC power supply. Not only do you get HF but VHF and UHF as well. This rig being an all in one was just great to the new ham who can't afford the large price tag with some of the larger rigs but with features that this radio comes with. There is no news from Yaesu as of yet of a replacement or even if there is going to be one.
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at
I would venture that some of the parts they need to build it have reached end-of-life.
Well, the Yaesu FT-897(D) is still in production….?