Things are very slow on the bands
I have been on the radio now and then this past week the only one there was me and the static, there is nothing wrong with the K3 or the antenna the wrong has been the atmospheric conditions. This weekend alone there have been 3 M class solar flares not making those in the CQ SSB contest happy campers. Not saying there is no DX out there as I have been reading from fellow bloggers and there has been some DX contacts but for me it's just not there. I was on the radio today and was not able to even raise U.S contacts just south of the boarder.
Lets hope the conditions some what improve this week…..
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at hope the conditions some what improve this week…..
I missed getting on Saturday, however I got on today and never made it off of 10 meters. Wall to wall DX. Not loud and screaming, but Q5 readable. I did not do the CQ contest as a contester, but I sure gave out well over 100 59 04 thus lots of points. I did it all with my K3 and tri-band pointed east-west. Worked all over Europe, South America, Canada and some Pacific… I am surprised and sadden you missed out..
Like K7ZOV, the CQ WW 10 meter opening was fun. Also, 15 was popping pretty good as was 20. I made only 77 contacts, and those were using 5 watts. QRP is new for me, but I did have fun.
Good evening Harry, it figures that 10m was hopping and my MFJ 1788 does not hit that gifted band…..oh well for sure then the DX is out there I just have to wait for it to get to 15m and beyond.
Have a great week Harry and thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Hi Bob, I must say with Harry getting openings on 10m and then yourself working 15m and 20m I should be off to the ear doc to see if I have wax in my ears!!! This is very encouraging to me and lets me know that contacts are out there and this coming weekend I am going to get back out there again.
Thanks for the comment.
I only have my Tech ticket right now but I have been extremely busy on 10 meter with allot of contacts in Europe, Netherlands, Canada and I got my first contact in Hawaii. To me this is huge I have only had my ticket since May 21st of this year. Can’t wait to get my General but 10 meters most certainly has been busy.