Time to house clean and sell sell some equipment.

Recently I have been doing some thinking......It's always nice when there is an easy answer to things BUT it just does not seem to be! In the past, I have sold radio equipment to later find myself kicking myself. There have been way too many times than I  would like to admit where I have sold something to later purchase that same item! 

Lately, I have been (in my head) going back and forth with regards to selling some radio items....I don't want to keep it just to have it just in case and it just gets older and holds less value......or sell it and take a chance. It reminds me of when I dabbled in stocks if I only knew the right time to sell and buy.  My best information I have at this time is it's time to move some equipment out the door. 

Locally (in Canada) I have put the following items up for sale: 

1. Chameleon CHA P mag loop antenna. 

2. Elecraft KX3 along with some extras. 

3. LDG DTS-4 antenna switch. 

4. Palm mini paddle. 

The first two items are my portable op's stuff and we moved to the east coast over a year ago and it has just sat on my desk doing lots of nothing. I just don't want to see it sitting there if someone else can use it. The other items have been doing the same and I hope I don't end up next year or so kicking myself in the backside that I sold them but such is life. 

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

4 Responses to “Time to house clean and sell sell some equipment.”

  • Fred Ve3Kyd:

    I recently gathered up a couple of hugh boxes of cables and threw them out. The very first cable that I went to look after that was for a VHS player. It turned out to be a special cable. Gone!!! In the garbage. Watch what you throw out.

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Good evening Fred and very nice to hear from you, all I have to say is a VHS player WOW that is very old school! I remember having to set up a VHS to prerecord a show and it involved a small tool that came with the VHS. I had to turn these dials on the VHS to set up day and time and how long to record. It was not that long ago but times sure have changed.
    I hear you Fred with selling or tossing out items and then needing something. I hope this time it does not happen but if it does I can tell myself “Fred warned me”.
    Have a great 2nd half of the week Fred,

  • Paul M. , K8SFC:

    Oh, my… so many! I’ve had a 51J-3 and two 51J-4’s. Sold ’em all. Huge regrets. I recently obtained another SX-122 to replace the creampuff that I sold. I totally restored an S-38 that had mostly new silvered mica caps in the front end. The best looking and best functioning S-38 I’ve ever seen. Sold it. Had an HQ-160 that I spent many weeks restoring and aligning. Sold it. I’ve got scars all over my rear-end from kicking myself!

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Good evening Paul very nice to hear from you, well I just sold my KX3 so for the first time I have no Elecraft products in the house. I understand about the scars on the rear end as I too have sold items that I regret.
    Have a good week Paul and stay safe.

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