Try something new: JT9

Why? Because JT9 is the best weak signal mode there is. On 10 meters I worked with 5 watts JT9 CX2AQ (11.371 km) and LU8EX (11.445 km) I read at PE4BAS that KB2HSH published a nice list about the sensitivity of digi modes. Why should anybody uses RTTY for instance?

JT9 and JT65 are the most sensitive ones. I prefer JT9 because it has a very small bandwidth. Ideal for crowded band activity. At the moment activity is a bit low with JT9, so I call all radio amateurs who like to work QRP or low power and wanted to do some experiments: use JT9. Download the software from this web site of K1JT Joe Taylor.

Paul Stam, PC4T, is a regular contributor to and writes from the Netherlands. Contact him at

3 Responses to “Try something new: JT9”

  • KB2HSH begins the blog post you refer to with: “Since the beginning of the “Amateur Radio Service”, we hams have almost constantly sought out news ways of doing one thing: communicating.” In the strictest sense it is true that with JT9 and similar modes you do communicate with others. However, the amount of information that can be exchanged with these modes is so limited that it is almost irrelevant. We are humans and seek meaningful content in our communications. So while interesting from an technical point of view I think RTTY is more relevant from a human point of view.

    That said I do believe there are more effecient and effective modes than RTTY, but I am afraid JT9 isn’t one of them.

  • Paul PC4T:

    Hi Hans, I am not really a rag chewer, and I see most of the contacts on the higher bands SSB, CW are often only 59 (599) and 73. So no problem for me when I can exchange call, locator and pwr / ant and 73. 😉 enough for me. 73 Paul

  • Alex 8P9BZ:

    Whilst having a really small setup JT modes are often the only way to work dx. I´m right now sitting here in Barbados, enjoying the sun and work some europe on my small mobile antenna. Impossible on rtty and psk. not a single answer to my cq. I think i will have done around 500 qso´s in just a bit more than two weeks. Much better than zero or nearly zero in other modes..

    So.. give it a try! SSB pileups wouldnt exchange any more information. and in JT you´ll have a real report not just the 59 lie.. so you´ve got in fact MORE information 🙂

    cheers and 73

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