Two days, three QSOs on 50MHz FM!
It’s been a while since I had many QSOs on 50MHz FM. Two or three years ago, I used to work Roger G4HZA most mornings via GB3FX, but Roger moved away.
Since then, I’ve occasionally called CQ on 51.510 FM, particularly in the Es season. As you may have read, I was rewarded with a nice contact with EA2DVT last week. Yesterday, I called CQ and was pleased to be called by Andy G6REG/M using his new second-hand AKD mobile rig. We made an easy contact over a distance of around 15 miles.
This evening a CQ had both Andy and David, M0MLN respond! David was quite close by, testing an antenna but was able to work both myself and Andy. Andy and I enjoyed a mobile to mobile QSO for some minutes. Despite some varied terrain we noticed much less mobile flutter than we would have expected on higher VHF bands, even 70MHz.
It would be fun to hear more mobiles or fixed stations on 51.510, whether on ground wave or by Es!
Down on 50.500, yesterday evening I heard Spanish. No callsigns, so whether it was a repeater or just a local contact, I couldn’t quite tell.
que bueno poder probar que en FM,la banda magica funciona y sobre todo,tener una frecuencia de contacto internacional,..en la cual buscar otros radioaficionados que les guste experimentar en esta banda de 50 mhz….no dejen de informar al respecto…..menny desde el planeta tierra 73 y Dx.