UFO researcher to launch CubeSat to search for E.T. close to home

An engineer turned UFO researcher is hoping to launch a low-earth orbit CubeSat to search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Canadian Dave Cote has assembled a seven-person team to design, fund, build and launch the project that he hopes will provide some answers about the origins of recent unidentified object sightings across the globe.

“We have had astronauts, military personnel, police officers and the former Defence Minister of Canada come forward stating that extraterrestrial UFOs are real, and that we are being visited,” says Cote. “How can this be ignored and brushed off as nonsense?” Concerned that the public isn’t getting straight answers, the group has turned to crowdsourcing the project on Kickstarter.

Measuring roughly the size of a shoebox, CubeSats can pack a lot of science equipment into a small space. They have also made satellite deployment much more affordable, in some cases costing less than the price of a lower-end automobile. Sites like CubeSatShop.com have taken much of the complexity out of ordering needed components.

Cote says they’re a “go for launch” already but are looking for more funding so they can pack it with as much science equipment as possible. They aim to include image, infrared, electromagnetic, and radiation sensors. This would give them the capability of not only verifying visual data, but also correlating it with other events such as electromagnetic and radioactive fluctuations.


The team plans to measure ionized radiation with a scintillation counter and two cameras will capture a near 360-degree view around the CubeSat. They plan to remove the infrared filters on the cameras to cover more of the visual range.

Cote hopes to use amateur radio frequencies to transmit the data back to earth and a worldwide network of ham volunteers to receive it.

“We are planning to use the ham frequencies to send data down from the CubeSat to earth in hex or datafax protocol,” says Cote. “From what we understand, we should be able to send a 100kB packet every few minutes and this will enable us to send image thumbnails from space, along with some basic EM data.”

While the details of the transmissions have yet to be determined, Cote hopes to assemble a worldwide team of hams willing to receive and log whatever data the satellite captures.

“We need help from the ham community, in capturing the data and relaying it to our site,” he says. “There will be a 15-minute window for download from the CubeSat, and then another volunteer would be needed for the next 15-minute time window.”

Cote is cautiously optimistic that the satellite will provide corroboration of UFO reports from eyewitnesses on Earth. But even if the satellite doesn’t capture evidence of faraway visitors, he’s hopeful that it will record interesting natural phenomenon like meteors and solar flares.

“We can only hope that those who would like to know the truth will step forward and help,” he says.

To learn more about the project or to volunteer, visit their KickStarter page.

Matt Thomas, W1MST, is the managing editor of AmateurRadio.com. Contact him at [email protected].

8 Responses to “UFO researcher to launch CubeSat to search for E.T. close to home”

  • Grant Zehr AA9LC:

    This does not seem like an appropriate use of amateur radio frequencies. The kind of monitoring they describe is already being done by professionals (and in some cases by AMSAT groups).

  • Matt W1MST:

    I agree, Grant. I think they will want to carefully read the rules and take care to make sure they’re in compliance.

    There are many rules about telecommand, commercial use, etc. and it would be easy for someone to misinterpret the requirements.

  • Dave Cote:

    We know about the requirements. HAM frequency is commonly used on cubesat tech.

  • Richard KWøU:

    Wish them luck, but I should point out that mixing “UFO” with “extraterrestrial” is a slippery construct. All UFO means is that somebody somewhere saw something that was both flying and unidentified. And there is a lot of stuff, both of natural and terrestrial origin, up there. Personally I wish we did have aliens visiting, but until there is some solid proof of that it’s probably best to keep an open mind but stay skeptical.

  • Colin GM4JPZ:

    I totally agree, Richard KW0U, and like the phrase ‘slippery construct’. In fact, having seen such things several times in my life, I’d go one further and not refer to them as necessarily flying. In my case, and I’ve seen many videos from all over the world with similar phenomena, I’d call them WTF lights, as they are usually lights in the sky (and that is the most common comment from people who take the videos and ask what these things are that they are filming). I too would love them to be proof of extraterrestrial visitors, but have unfortunately seen no reason so far to assume that’s what they are.

    It also seems unclear whether such a use of amateur frequencies would be strictly legal, I suspect not.

  • Joe KB3PHL:

    Why are some of you questioning the legal use of Ham frequencies for this cubesat? There are already many other cubesat projects using Ham satellite freq’s for data and telemetry launched by colleges and universities. So why would this cubesat be any different? AA9LC you contradict yourself when you say this isn’t an appropriate use of Ham freq’s but at the same time point out that something like this is already being done by some AMSAT groups.

  • David:

    It seems to me there is not enough information here to decide the legality of the transmissions with regard to Amateur Radio. I think that this is a terrific project regardless of what is already available from governmental agencies. I hope it is successful.

  • Mike W0MSN:

    Provided all the legal matters are addressed, I think it’s a great idea.
    There have been many new discoveries made by amateur astronomers and this is just another example of a determined group of people that are passionate about their interests. I wish them success and backed their project with a small pledge. We need this type of independent research going on in all aspects of science. Maybe a cancer cure will be discovered by a high school student that is as determined as this group.

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