V31PA in Belize
Yes….I’m still around, and last night I heard a weak V31PA in Belize on 30 meters. I’ve worked this station twice before on on the 24 meter band in March of this year; but this was my first contact with him on the 30 meter band. Belize is a Central America country known for the diversity of wildlife. Not sure I’d like to meet this big cat in the jungle….
The Mayan culture flourished here many years ago. (much more in South America) I’m fascinated with their building skills. I once saw a massive stone with 13 distinctive “cuts” which was maneuvered into a giant stone wall with a precision unequaled even today. You could hardly fit a sheet of paper into the fissures. They also used the “trapezoid” shape in their structures. Their buildings survive to this day despite “earthquakes” which are common in this part of the world.
I’ve been extremely busy these last few months with other projects but hope to spend more time on the radio soon. I’m moving around fairly well but the right leg is prone to muscle cramps. My back pain is minimal now and most of my “free time” is being spent on the bike.
Working this station in Belize was a nice refresher with the DX stations. I’m looking to do more of the same in September. Thank goodness the weather has cooled down a bit. Perhaps I can get some “woods” time this fall and do some portable operations?
What do you do when you find yourself on the edge of the Inca Trail with a few Llamas between you and a potentially fatal precipice of several hundred feet? You just stand still and wait for them to move along. They can spit in your eye if provoked; and walking blindly around here can be the end of you.