VHF/UHF beacons
In the next few days I must continue my search to find out which beacons will be good propagation indicators. I am surprised how well some (long way away) beacons can be copied nearly all of the time.
Access to the shack will be more limited these next few days as I have to walk through the guest bedroom to get there and we have visitors staying. I have still to hear the GB3MCB 2m beacon in Cornwall and I am wondering if it is operational? By ow I would have expected the odd MS ping, at least.
I am looking forward to a more complete 70cm beacon network again. At the moment there are very few operational 70cm beacons in the UK. GB3UHF at Fairmile in Kent should be very useful when it becomes operational as I can peak the beams using the 2m GB3VHF beacon first.
During the last solar peak I remember copying a 6m beacon in NW Canada on just a whip antenna!
Regarding the 2m beacon GB3MCB on 144.468mHz I cannot hear it either, though I read somewhere recently that it was back in operation. My QRA is IO81JK near Penarth, with a good take-off to the South-West from here. I would like to know if others can receive this beacon? from Brian GW0GHF.