Visiting the Harwell Rally
Time was when I used to attend many of the radio rallies. These days, I generally attend one a year – and it’s usually the Harwell Rally – located about 20 minutes drive from home.
Today was the day! And enjoyable it was. No major purchases – just a bit of aerial wire and some back issues of magazines. I did enjoy chatting with Francis, G7CND of GEO – Group for Earth Observation I could easily be tempted to have a go at some of the imaging that the group are doing!
I had a happy hour or two on the Practical Wireless / RadioUser stand, with Rob G3XFD and Tex, G1TEX – chatting to visitors and selling the odd back issue magazine and archive CD.
It was good to see many friends including Graham G4FUJ (who first taught me morse a very long time ago!), Pete 2E0SQL, Rob M0VFC, Paul M3JFM, Mike M0RBD as well of course the Harwell team who put the rally on – great to see Ann G8NVI, Mike G8CUL, Malcolm G8NRP, Bob G0ADH, Mike G0MJW, John G3VPW, Des G3NNG – lots of other smiling faces too.
A great time inspite of some inclement weather!