Another small celebration in the shack. I wasn't sure the time was right to spend much time chasing South Sandwich with a QRP signal. I usually save that  attempt for the last day or two of a big expedition and the VP8 guys are still working to satisfy a lot of demand. In fact I did try earlier in the day and just rationalized, after calling for a while, that the pile-up was still too big. The other deterrent to my thinking was that they just weren't that loud. As a rule of thumb I figure the DX needs to be 559 or better for them to hear my QRP signal. However as the sun went down I checked the 20 meter pile up on the Elecraft P3, hmm, not too big on the screen. Their signal was probably only an S3, what the heck, let me have a go, as my British buddies would say. I turned the K3 down to 5 watts, hit the split button and started listening on the second VFO. I found him and followed him up for 4 or 5 QSO's and then he came back to me, just like he does with the big guns, AD5A 599:-) That was when the small celebration broke out.

I love this radio stuff.

Mike Crownover, AD5A, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Texas, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “VP8STI with QRP”

  • ico@9A2KI:

    hallo Mike, AD5A
    congratulations for QRP – VP8STI CW 20m
    also try few time on random freq. but for my 100W@wire ( sloper dipole , up side about 17m ) ant, no way- but after folowed few QSO and see how they change RX freqencie , only one call at right frequncie was enough to perfect operator at VP8STI to answer 9a2ki 599…
    also must say : many stations calling ower and ower, no mater is VP8STI in QSO or transmiting, or ask for someone.
    ONLY way to make QSO with them is to listen and find some pass trought ( specialy for LOW POWER or simple antennas stations )
    Also want to ask all Amateur Radio operator to make a list of stations which makeing QRM and to send them some kind of worning e.mail about it.
    It will make more space for all ( for DX-pedition guys @ as well to us on oposite side )

    ps I send some e.mail to let say bad listeners and have some positive answers

    73de9a2ki ico

  • Mark G0NMY:

    Congratulations on your QRP contact! that is fantastic, I have been listening to them on 40m very weak and with Massive widespread pileup,
    infact from 7023 to 7040 at times.
    The subject of bad operating is something that I too think needs to be addressed. I listened to an EA???? station who just kept on and on and on just sending his callsign for over an hour! I doubt if he could even hear VP8STI!
    Just bad operating practices. Whatever happened to the DX code of conduct?
    It seems it gets thrown out when a big DX-pedition starts running.

    But to end on a good note, Well Done! you’re obviously a skilled operator who actually Listens to see what is happening and this approach won the day!
    I support the DX CODE OF CONDUCT and it looks like you do too!

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