W1AW/Ø Change in Schedule

I posted my planned intentions of operating W1AW/Ø from Colorado last week.  Unfortunately I’ve had to make a slight change to my on-air schedule to accommodate a scheduling conflict which will allow me to speak to a local amateur radio club about SOTA or Summits on the Air.

As it stands today, I will operate W1AW/Ø on the following dates/times/bands/modes:

23 May 0000z – 0300z – 20m – phone

25 May 1500z – 1800z – 20m – phone 

I may sign up for additional time slots if needed.  I’ll post an update the week before Colorado will be on the air.  In the mean time, I’m getting on the air as much as possible and working as many stations as I can for the ARRL Centennial QSO Party.  I hope to work you either during my time operating W1AW/Ø or as KDØBIK.  Either way, ain’t this hobby great?

Until next time…

73 de KDØBIK

Jerry Taylor, KD0BIK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Colorado, USA. He is the host of the Practical Amateur Radio Podcast. Contact him at jerry@jerrygtaylor.com.

2 Responses to “W1AW/Ø Change in Schedule”

  • john mann kk4itn:

    Come on Jim get some radio activity going in Nevada. Need it bad for WAS.
    Been trying like crazy for Nevada on cw. Got threw one time and had a contact on cw. When I sent my QSL card with a SASE the operator told me he had not been on cw in years. Don’t know if it is the heat or the water but something is going on out there!

    KK4ITN John Mann

  • Jerry Taylor KD0BIK:

    Hi John,

    I’m in Colorado, but I’ve worked many stations in Nevada.

    KD0BIK – Colorado

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