Tinker John has been posting videos of Amateur Radio for a while now, and I have re-posted them on this blog a time or two because he does a really awesome job showing off Amateur Radio and the different modes he uses. He’s video of him doing QRP CW with just 5 watts. Yeah, I know, a lot of Hams do QRP, CW, but still, this is a great example for anyone looking to see how to do it. John’s videos are almost like a video Elmer. And as I have mentioned in older posts, inspired me to try a couple new things. But, enjoy his 5W CW fun.
Enjoyed the video and liked the speed too. After almost 40 yrs I have been un-learning the way I learned CW in the 60’s for my novice ticket and seem to be able to copy 10 WPM comfortably, 12 WPM with a bit of stress and 15 on a good day with lots of stress. To force the issue with me I traded a TS-50S straight across for a Elecraft KX1. I do have a K2/10/100 also, but the KX1 blows my mind on what a awesome radio it is. In any case CW only. I also have a visual aid for cheating. A few years ago I got a NUE-PSK31 stand alone modem. PSK31 with no stinking computer…hihi. They up dated the software and wow now PSK31 and RTTY. After a few more years it now decodes CW and boy does it decode CW good..WOW. It can send, but not with a CW radio only it needs a mic jack, but who cares…it decodes. I don’t use it often, but it is a low power visual aid for us old farts who wear two hearing aid to hear what we are missing…That said I do find coping CW at times a lot easier then someone with his COMP cranked up and a distorted voice. Problem is trying to keep the gray cells focused and firing right. And higher speeds means shorter dot times and missing sounds..For you see to use the radio requires head phones and no hearing aids. So I suspect I will top off at 20 WPM someday without the visual aid and most likely be at 10-15 WPM…but so what it is fun stuff and for you guys and gales 5-7 WPM is also fun so don’t be shy… QRS is better then no CW at all.
Harry K7ZOV
Hi John follow all your video’s. On your request on Hi-Gain vert. antenna18VS it’s together wrong. I have one also works like gangbusters. If you wish I can send a diagram. I also work QRP backpacking 80 / 10 meters SSB. I’m a builder love the hobby an hate the words ” It Can’t be done”. So feel free to E-mail me bout the Hi-Gain. Thanks: Mr. Zachmeyer …. W9UKB 73’s
You mentioned being from Mississippi in your antenna launcher video. What part ? I grew up in Jackson and worked in Tupelo before moving to Tenn.