The new station slowly being setup |
Friday was moving day and I sure did find out I am not as young as I used to be! While at the old place we made a huge effort (so we thought) to reduce what we had as we were moving into a condo and one that was very much smaller than our home. Once moved in it was a SEA of boxes, again we had more "stuff" than room. Up to this point Julie has been working very hard to settle the Kitchen into place. Last night she completed that job! Im sorting boxes, getting the ham gear somewhat placed in the desk (setting it up will be a job for next week). We are on the 6th floor here with south and east
Boxes slowly being dealt with |
exposure. I am just itching to get on the radio and either WSPR my signal out or use the KX3 and call CQ and see how the Reverse Beacon spots me. At this point my antenna will be the Alexloop placed in front of our bay window and I will be maxing out at 5 watts or less.
Mike your desk is alost the same as mine which is my station. Power supply on floor. One hole in rear of desk to pickup power and ground and coax. Pull desk away from wall about 3″ and mount your ground terminial to which all equip. will be grounded to. Attach ground to green wire of outlet. Attach your power strip to rear of desk also.
I did it that way so when I am finished I just pull the cover and bingo my station is now covert.
I hope this helps. Moving and painting are the biggest jobs I have ever faced. When you look at the boxes than at the storage boxes all you say to yourself is, how?
Remeber this, the mother of invention is ?
Good luck and remember everything somehow always works out.
73, KK4ITN
Good evening John, thanks very much for the insight into your setup. I have not even thought at this point where and how things are going. Will keep my blog posted as things move forward.