Where’s The Magic?

courtesy: http://www.dxmaps.com/
This is not what the 6m propagation map should be looking like at the start of June! So far, the 6m Sporadic-e (Es) season is MIA and usually by this time there have been some significant openings. Even the usual east-coast European slaughter has not yet started.

Most 6m diehards understand that the cause of summer Es is high-speed wind shear events, way up in the E layer region but a new theory suggests otherwise:

courtesy: nz3m.com
So come on folks, let's spark-up those barbecues and get 6m cooking once again!
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at ve7sl@shaw.ca.

3 Responses to “Where’s The Magic?”

  • W4DL Mike:

    Well Steve, my BBQ has been running 6 or 7 days a week and the 6 meter rig is scanning every day down here. I’ve worked a few SA stations and that is it! You are correct, the season is so far a non starter; a real drag for us 6 meter kooks.

    Good DX,

    Mike W4DL

  • Jerry VE6CPP:

    Try listening ‘above the 49th’ ! Have ‘Rig On, BBq going’.. Yes, Very Poor Year so far ! Hope it ‘wakes up’ for the June Contest ! 73 GL

  • Alex, g7kse:

    Not much in IO84 either, just a few E3’s and E4’s. Not a single E8 yet!

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