Why do we need a radio…or, is this the end of amateurradio?
I had a little sked last Sunday morning with PA3GNZ. And although this sked didn’t work out I had my HT on receive at the 70cm coversity channel. Now at a certain time I received 2 radioamateurs, the conversation went on and seems that one of them did not hear about the coversity channel before. He, like many others, thought he was being repeated by the PI2HVN repeater. It was the case as you can verify it at the internet and the other amateur told him that. It seems they had a chat before because the one mentioned earlier wishes to know more about coversity. Now, the other amateur told him to go back to skype so he could explain. And gone they were.
So what do we need radio for? Or is this the end of amateurradio (as we know it)?