World Wide Radio Tele Type contest
Recently I came across my old RTTY hamcom modem when cleaning my garage. Built from scrap parts and inspired by Peter PA1SDB at the time we were both experimenting on CB. I even remember we transmitted kind of a RTTY bulletin on CB every sundayevening at that time. And after we got our licenses we regulary were found on the 2 Meter band receiving the local World Link RTTY bulletin by PA3ESF. Most of the HAMs involved used software called Intercom by PA3BYZ at that time. All nice RTTY memories for me, but things can get more crazy as before my first efforts with RTTY and before my time there were the old mechanical Telex machines. There are still HAMs like PE1ARD Arnold who have these telex machines working and use them in their radioshacks, incredible! Find a video here: and take a look at around 10:40. And so….we’re doing a RTTY contest these days on HF. A antique mode used to do contest inspired by the past I think. As there is a large number of stations participating it is very populair. not really my mode outside contesting, I prefer something modern like PSK or JT65. Most interesting RTTY contest is probabely last weekends CQWW RTTY contest which has lots of DX stations that participate. Unfortenately I had less time Saturday and in the evening 10 and 15m were closed. So I made some QSOs on 80, 40 and 20m. Sunday was better and I could attend the shack in the morning with my harmonic Anneli. When starting the computer I checked the 11m band as always to check propagation possebilities on 10m. I heard an old CB radio friend and made a QSO with him first. After that I moved to 10m and made my first QSO to Japan, the next station was my neighbourstation PA0O Jaap. I made a small sked with Jaap on 70cm FM, Jaap told me that propagation would be not as good as saturday because of a magnetic storm. He told me also he heard Hawaii and Guam on 10m, but it was hard to make the QSO because of the pile-ups. So unfortunate I thought I was too late for DX….well after all I think I did make some:
10m RTTY most interesting DX worked: JR4GPA Japan, KG6DX Guam, NH2T Guam, P49X Aruba, FM5CD Martinique, FR5GS Reunion isl., AY8A Argentina, CW90A Uruquay, 4M5IR Venezuela, HK1R Colombia, HI8PLE Dominican Rep., PY2NY Brazil and of course lots of USA and Canada both east and west coast.
For me, it was the first time, to enter in a Rtty-contest and I must admit it was great fun. This mode opens a new world for me. Of course every new entity here was a first but it also brought me an alltime first : XE. I still need zome more practice but a day will come I anthousiastically will join into more digital contests. Jelle (aka Frank) Knot.
Hi Jelle, nice to read you enjoyed the contest. Didn’t see you on any band this time. I worked XE last year for the first time, seems it is a difficult region for our part of the world…73, Bas