Wouxun KG-UV8D memory management
I have had this radio for about three months now. I have not found out how to program any of the memory channels. If anyone learned the secret please post a comment here.
I have had this radio for about three months now. I have not found out how to program any of the memory channels. If anyone learned the secret please post a comment here.
I own one, too, but also haven’t programmed it yet. I’m thinking KG-UV Commander or CHIRP is the “secret.” 🙂
I gave up on trying to program. I bought RT Systems cable, made it easy.
You need:
Repeater frequency
Offset and shift
PL tone, if needed.
Put in VFO mode (see manual on how to do this)
Set those parameters through the menus (again, see manual)
If it is OK, then store in an appropriate memory. I have an earlier version of the radio, and it took about 15 minutes to program in our 9 local repeaters.
Chirp should work, but then you need the programming cable.
73 /paul W3FIS
a snap with program cable
I acquired a prog cable. The program was taken from the Wouxun Web Site (FOC). I was then able to program my HH 100%. Before it completely foxed me!!