X1M QRP SSB/CW Transceiver Kit

X1M QRP SSB/CW Transceiver Kit

X1M QRP SSB/CW Transceiver Kit

I’ve been watching this little thing for a few weeks.  They showed up on the Kight Radio Store web page and after a few days, when I decided to pull the trigger, they had sold out.  Today they are back in stock, and one of them is on its way to me (hopefully).  Construction is described as easy assembly which I gather makes it similar to the KX3 kit.  Here are the features and specs from Kight Radio:

Transceiver: X1M [v2.01] 
Frequency range: 0.1 ~ 30mhz transceiver;
Modes: ssb / cw
Power output: 5 Watts (max);
Operating voltage: minimum 9.6v (dc), max 14.5v (dc);
Operating current: 0.35a (min), 1.2a (max);
Memory 100 channels ;
RIT function;
Automatic internal CW keyer
Back-light  on/off
Keyboard can be locked;
Dimensions: 97 * 40 * 155 (mm)
Weight: 0.65
Receiving sensitivity: better than 0.45uV
Frequency stability: better than 0.5ppm
Frequency accuracy: better than 0.5ppm (boot 5 minutes)

An interesting additional feature says this equipment can be connected to HAM RADIO DELUXE software.  The user can choose any ICOM equipment, but the IC-718 is recommended.

The text also states that the version they are shipping to the USA is set up to transmit only on the Amateur bands.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

$259.95 + S&H for the Kit.  $30 more assembled


Neil Goldstein, W2NDG, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New York, USA. Contact him at neil@neilgoldstein.com.

12 Responses to “X1M QRP SSB/CW Transceiver Kit”

  • pat/K8LEN:

    Let us know on the progress, I also have looked at these, but cannot find any review on them any where.
    I am considering on purchasing one but waiting on a review or two.
    I believe I saw a rs232 plug on the back, I am wondering if a software program such as mixw or multipsk would work also….
    The price..cannot be beat.

  • Razvan YO9IRF:

    Yes, it supports CAT comands via the RS-232 connector, it emulates the Icom IC-718. More info on it on my blog (pictures, videos, internal components etc): http://yo9irf.blogspot.ro/2013/03/x1m-portable-chinese-hf-transceiver.html.

    Neil, please let us know how it goes, I’m really interested and alot of people are as well.

  • So far the experience has been good and I haven’t even received the radio yet. Kight Radio responded to a comment I placed when I ordered the rig, asking about WARC band coverage almost immediately (the answer is yes, by the way). He also said that my radio would ship on Monday. I have since received an order confirmation stating that I would receive tracking info as soon as the radio ships, and another email informing me of my 13 “rewards points” that I received. These points can be redeemed for accessories, or gift cards. Nice touch.

  • WD8KTQ:

    Neil, I am glad your experience With Kight Radio has been good, mine has not. I have emailed them several times inquiring about this radio and have never received a reply. Also, the two phone numbers listed on there site just ring and then disconnect the call. I have been looking for someone else that sells these, even direct from China, but have not found anyone.


  • John:

    Here’s another distributor. Price is about $10 more.

  • Bill ng1p:

    Any updates? I wonder if you got the rig yet?
    Looking at the on line specs it say 5 bands no mention of 160m or warc bands?

    Looks interesting. The current draw in ex says 350ma that would be great for SOTAs.

  • I have not received mine yet. There seems to be a shipping issue, but I have my fingers crossed. I asked about the coverage and was told that it covered everything from at least 80 thru 10 including the WARC bands, and I’ve read that it also does 160, but not sure on that one. I’m guessing that the bands listed are set as a kind of “quick tune” setting like most of the popular SW portables have for the BC bands. I guess I’ll know more soon. In the meantime there is a Yahoo Group for the rig where you might get more info as some of the members have received theirs already.



  • BOB AF2Q:

    How tight is the rig for CW?
    I have the 2 band and the later 4 band CW only rigs and their great on CW.
    I watched the U tubes of the rigs and the audio sound good for a small rig.
    I just may bite:-)BOB AF2Q

  • used to be Wa6caq:


    They have come out with a new one the link is above, i am interested in QRP op. and was a Ham in the 60s lol.Ok, HIHI. 73s

  • Robert rush kc5pqc:

    I bought a kit at a hamfest. Should have opened it before I bought it. It looks like all the parts are there , but no manual. Many parts have to be soldered in place , electro caps , Chrystal’s filters, even the pins to plug in to the boards. It is a nightmare. I have tried to get info from the importer in the us and the uk. All I got was a you are on your own. I have a box of parts . No way in hell would I buy another onekc5pqc

  • Robert, I understand that feeling. That’s exactly what I felt like when I opened mine. The issue was that the manufacturer led the importer to believe that this was a simple “snap-together” type of kit (like an Elecraft KX3). The US importers have not brought in any more kits at this point. I personally sent mine back and paid an extra $50 for an assembled one.

    Now, having said that, my kit-building expertise is now at the point where I think I might be able to handle putting one together. I might be able to find someone here to take it off your hands, or use it as an education tool with our kit builders.

    Assembled, the Xiegu is a neat little rig. Better if you upgrade it using the upgrade kit from Ed at import communications. I have made some pretty amazing contacts on mine with about 4 Watts output USB on 20, 15, and 10 Meters.

  • Mike Nu8ll:

    Robert rush kc5pqc,
    If I could find an instruction manual, I would love to try putting it together.

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